Chapter 3: Relapse

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TW: This chapter includes physical abuse, mentioning of sexual abuse, suicidal behavior, drinking,
and relapsing... If any of those are triggers for you please skip this chapter.

Harmoni P.O.V:

I slowly got up from my bed and crept towards the door to listen out for any sound. That's when I heard his voice. Shit. He isn't supposed to be here. I quietly backed up further into my room cursing to myself for not having a lock on my door. Maybe if I stay  quiet, he won't know I'm here.

"Moni!" shit there goes that plan. I quickly ran into my closet and closed the door carefully making sure I didn't make any sounds. I held my breath and prayed that he wouldn't open the door but like always my prayers never seem to go through.

The closet door flung open, and I was dragged up by my hair. Shit, my hair. I somehow managed to grab hold of his hands as he dragged me across my bedroom. I started to claw at his hands hoping and praying that would make him loosen his grip but to no avail it only made him tighten his grip even more.

He flung me on the floor and my head made a big thud sound as it hit my wooden floors. He stood over me while saying words my ears struggled to comprehend due to this annoying ringing in them. He bent down and roughly grabbed my hair while unbuttoning his pants. I already knew where this was heading but I swore I wouldn't let it happen again without a fight.

Right as he was zipping down his zipper, I took my left leg and kicked him as hard as I could in his balls and I didn't stop until he fell to his knees bending down and holding his balls. I quickly scrambled up off the ground and tried to run out of my room only to be yanked back down by one of my legs.

My body hit the floor with a very hard impact knocking the wind completely out of me. He got up just as quickly as I fell and punched me dead in the face repeatedly. I tried to block the punches but he was too strong, and he did not let up even with my struggling.

Somehow amid his punching, he slowed down, and I managed to reach up and grab my small ceramic piggy bank that I had on the edge of my desk and I smacked him upside the head with it. It made a loud connecting sound that stopped him dead in his tracks, but I didn't stop.

I kept hitting him upside the head with it repeatedly until It shattered into pieces cutting my hand in the process... his body slumped over me, but he was still breathing. I slowly pushed him off of me and staggered out of my room. I dropped down in the hallway and let out the most painful scream that my vocal cords could handle. I couldn't take it anymore I was tired of being someone's punching bag.

Slowly I got myself up from the floor and began walking down the steps but stopped once I saw my reflection in one of the small mirrors. I look horrible. My eye was already beginning to turn a dark shade of purple, my beautifully dark skin was covered in bruises, my lip was busted, and my nose was bleeding an alarming amount. I continued walking down the stairs wheezing and I walked straight out the front door not even bothering to close it behind me.

I don't know where to go but I know I don't want to be there. I walked and walked until the sun was barely in the sky anymore and all the blood on my face dried up. That's when I came across an ABC store. Time to put this fake ID to use. I opened the store door and the little bell above it dinged letting the owner know some new fuck up came to buy alcohol to wash their sorrows away.

As I walked in the owner looked at me funny temporarily confusing me until I realized I looked like I just got out of an MMA fight, and I was the loser. I quickly waved at him and began searching for the cheapest alcohol. I ended up settling on Jose Cuervo... whatever that is. I walked up to the counter and placed the alcohol down.

" Your total will be 20.73, I will need to see some sort of identification." I quickly slid my fake ID on the counter praying that it would work. He looked up at me and back down at the ID with his eyebrows furrowed before saying "Alright here you go" he slid my ID back on the counter and I let out a sigh of relief.

I handed him whatever money I had in my pocket and grabbed my liquor turning away to walk out of the door but before I could leave the man grabbed my shoulder and I twisted around smacking his hand out of reflex. "Hey!" I said looking at him and waiting for a response "I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask if you're okay?" I sighed and shook my head "Is anyone ever okay?" I turned and walked out of the store not wanting to continue that conversation.

I pulled off the top of my drink and chugged it as I walked only to start coughing aggressively. Damn, this shit is strong as fuck. I put the top back on and started walking the short distance to my favorite park. By the time I arrived, the sun was long gone, and the moon was high in the sky. Usually, the walk is shorter but since I can barely breathe it took a bit longer.

I plopped down on the bench and instantly got lost in my thoughts and that's when the tears started. My life sucks so much that it's almost hilarious. I reached into my pocket remembering that I had a razor blade in there. I pulled out the blade and hovered it right above my left wrist wondering do I want to do this? Fuck it.

I chugged some more of my Jose and sliced diagonally across my wrist. I writhed in pain. Shit, I forgot how painful this was... but it's a good pain. I continued to slice down my wrist until it was numb... until I was numb. I laid my head back and closed my eyes praying that I wouldn't wake back up but who am I kidding my prayer never works. As I began to lose consciousness, I heard an all too familiar voice saying.

"Baby girl is that you?" Just as my consciousness was slipping away, I felt someone lift me up in their arms and sit me back down before I completely blacked out.

beep beep

An annoying beeping sound that was all too familiar woke me up out of my sleep. Well, shit I guess I survived. I tried to move my arm but it was very sore and barely moved an inch. Just as I was about to use my right hand to call for the nurse, Tutu walked in.

"Hey sweetie, I see you're awake" I croaked "Yeah, I guess I am" My voice was hardly recognizable I almost mistook myself for a man. Tutu handed me what looked like some form of soup and I gladly took it. I opened the lid and the most delicious smell hit my nose. I took the lid off completely and began drinking the soup to soothe my throat.

"So... what happened to you? You have bruises all over your body and your face.. baby girl look at your face" I could hear the crack in her voice. She was about to cry and I hate when people cry.. especially the ones I care about. "Please don't cry Tutu, I'm okay. I'm still here" unfortunately. "I know you're still here, just barely but I don't care about you still being here, I care about you dying. How much more of this can you take baby girl, how much more can I take?"

I watched her as the tears slowly started streaming down her face. "Don't worry Tutu I'm fine, this time I fought back I promise, and I swear on my little sister that I am never going back there."

" Okay, I'll take your word for it... listen how about you stay with me until you're ready to leave" Is she serious? "Are you sure you want me to stay with you?" I don't want to burden anyone.

" Yes I'm sure, think of it as my birthday gift to you... by the way HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY! Congratulations Ori you lasted another year" Huh well would you look at that I made it to 18.

I laughed at her enthusiasm and gave her a very genuine hug. "Now the doctors said you can be released tomorrow after your check up and psych evaluation. I will go get you some clothes and then I'll have a big surprise waiting for you when we get to my house okay" I smiled "Okay Tutu" After that she said her goodbyes and left to go to work for the night.

I smiled to myself and began to doze off thinking finally my life might turn out alright.

Okay guys that's the end of chapter 3 let me know what y'all think- zony

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