Chapter 2: Heartbeat

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Harmoni P.O.V:

Ring Ring Ring

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off and hit the snooze button. I rolled off my bed rubbing my eyes so the sleep could disappear and began finding something to wear to school today. I settled on some ripped baggy jeans, a black long-sleeve shirt, and my high-top platform Converse.

I walked out of my room and into the bathroom to get ready. I grabbed my toothbrush and hurriedly brushed my teeth and once I finished, I washed my face.

Now to do the hardest part of my morning.... my hair.

I grabbed a wide toothcomb from under my sink and began brushing my hair out into an afro. Once my hair was to my liking, I walked out of the bathroom into my room and began putting my clothes on. I was in the middle of tying my shoes when I heard my name being yelled from downstairs."Moni, come here now!" Oh lord, here we go again."Coming!" I finished tying my shoes and walked downstairs to see what she wanted. "Yes ma'am, you called me" I hope it's for a good reason.

" Yes I did, I want you to make me some breakfast before you go out" Seriously? I'm already running late. "Okay," I walked to the refrigerator and grabbed two eggs from the carton and a frying pan from under the sink. I sat the eggs down and started washing the pan off when I accidentally splashed water over my clothes. "Shit" I cursed momentarily forgetting my mother was in the kitchen with me. "Girl, what the hell did you just say?" I stood there in shock frozen in fear before saying " I said shoot?" even I didn't believe that. "Girl come here"

"Yes ma'am" I slowly turned around and walked over to her stopping directly in front of her. She looked at me in silence for about three seconds while uncrossing her arms before she popped me dead in my mouth. Just like old times. I turned around and walked back to the sink hiding my laughter and began frying the eggs. Once I finished, I grabbed two slices of bread and spread mayonnaise on one slice. I placed the eggs on the bread and gave it to my mom.

"You better hurry up and leave because if you miss that bus that's your ass" Wow seriously no thank you for the food?.
"Yes ma'am" I hurriedly grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet and ran up the stairs to my room where I shoved my homework inside my book bag. I grabbed a jacket out of my closet and ran down the stairs directly out of the house.

I walked the short walk to the bus stop and waited while listening to one of my favorite songs and eating my granola bar.

"Listen as your day unfolds
Challenge what the future holds
Try and keep your head up to the sky
Lovers, they may cause you tears
Go ahead, release your fears
Stand up and be counted
Don't be ashamed to cry
You gotta be
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day."

I looked up just in time to see the bus pulling up. I walked on the bus and sat down in the first seat I saw open and let my music play until I arrived at school. I walked off the bus and inside of school and headed straight to my locker to get my books for my classes. I only have two classes and then I can leave school early because of my honors.     

My classes went by fast and before I knew it, it was time for me to leave. I sat down on a bench in front of my school and contemplated on if I wanted to go out and get lunch. My thoughts were interrupted by my stomach growling loudly so I decided it would be best to go out and get some food instead of going home straight away.

I walked down the road to my favorite diner Toolie's and sat down waiting to be served. I was greeted by my favorite waitress. "Hey baby girl, I haven't seen you in a while." I looked up at her smiling "Yeah, I know Tutu, and I'm sorry" Tutu is one of my favorite people here. Her great grandma created Toolie's from the ground up and after going bankrupt a few times Tutu managed to get it back up and running.

"It's okay baby, I'll get you the usual alright" I smiled again and said, "Thank you!" My usual consists of the best hamburger I've ever tasted and some good old animal-style fries with a large vanilla milkshake. Tutu sat my food down in front of me and slid into the booth seat across from me.

I knew just by the look on her face that we were about to have a serious conversation. "So baby girl, where have you been? And I don't wanna hear no excuses this time" Yeah this ain't the first time. "I've just been busy with school, you know my finals are on Friday" She looked at me disapointedly shaking her head "Baby girl cut the bullshit I can see that bruise on your face that you're trying so hard to hide. Why didn't you tell me your momma been putting her hands on you again?" I sighed "Tutu we've already been over this.. it was an accident, she didn't mean it and besides it doesn't hurt anyway" She sighed shaking her head again.

"Baby.... How much more of this are you gonna take? You're about to graduate, are you planning on going to college or what?" The big question I'm sure everyone is just dying to know the answer to... "Well actually I got accepted into a few colleges, but I haven't decided on which one I'm going to choose" All I know is I'm getting the hell up out of here. "That's good and when you decide you better let me know, I got something for you. Now go on and head home it's getting late" I laughed "Okay, bye Tutu"

I got up from my seat and hugged Tutu before leaving and heading back home. I made it home and opened the door to the house only to be met with silence. good she must be working. I walked upstairs to my room and grabbed my books out of my book bag to study for my finals. I finished studying my notes an hour later and decided to take a long overdue nap. I changed into some comfortable clothes and jumped in bed. When I finally started to doze off, I heard the front door opening from downstairs.

Okay guys that's the end of chapter 2 let me know what y'all think. I put a lot of thought into this chapter, especially with the character Tutu. Make sure to leave some comments with y'all's feedback and love always
Xoxo- zony

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