Chapter 7

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What would you sacrifice to keep your family safe?

Chapter 7

Early evening light cast our forested surroundings in a dim grey. Nearing three days travel instead of two, everyone was beginning to feel the strain. The pups were grumpy being stuck in the cart, tired from lack of sleep, and hungry too. Mother spent her time lying next to Father who was still unconscious although his breathing had eased somewhat; that was a relief to us all. Despite small mercies, even I was beginning to lag behind.

Fionnlagh never left my side and we kept each other moving. A few travellers had passed us, and each time, Alpha Hati sent us both to hide in the trees until they were a good distance away so the sight of two wolves on the road wouldn't have fearful rumours spreading amongst the gossip loving humans.

The mountains ahead drew ever closer, towering so high that the tops were hidden by thick white clouds that threatened snow. It must have signalled we were close because without communicating, Alpha Hati and Farrin both urged their horses on, forcing Fionnlagh and I to abandon our loping trot for a faster run.

Only Niamh was enjoying herself, and was the soul reason I found the strength to keep close to the Alpha astride his mare. He'd kept his promise of letting my sister ride with him, but it had taken much pestering and tears from her before I caved. I wished I hadn't; for now, he'd managed to win her over too. Niamh adored Alpha Hati, chattering happily in an excitable mix of our native tongue and his own, though he seemed to understand well enough.

Just because he was careful, his arms either side and his gaze flicking ever downward to make sure she was alright, my hackles didn't soften.

Fionnlagh nudged his head against my shoulder, chuffing a puff of white air to stop my brooding. I nipped at his ear in retaliation. Maybe exhaustion had left me more than a little irritable. He bumped his whole body against mine this time, and I stumbled in the snow, tripped over my tail, and landed in a pile of cold and wet leaves. I growled furiously but he only gave me a wolfish grin, eyeing the limp brown leaves that clung to my fur. Noting my fury however, he turned tail and quickened his pace to catch up to the cart where he'd be in the perceived safety of his mother's view.

Getting back to my paws, I shook off melting snow, mud, and leaves from frozen fur while low grumbles shook from my chest. When I raised my head and prepared to teach my younger cousin a lessen, I found Alpha Hati had stopped to wait on me, eyes a bright gold as they shimmered in amusement. Thoughts of revenge fled and my fur softened despite his laughter at seeing Fionnlagh best me because I appreciated the act. For all my bravery, I didn't want to be left behind for the blood drinkers.

The huge dappled grey mare shifted on her hooves as I got close, snickering with flaring nostrils, but calmed as a sleepy Niamh patted her thick neck. Alpha Hati opened his mouth as if to say something but was cut off by a loud howl that echoed all around us, bouncing off the trees and rocky steep cliffs of the mountains. Whatever was on his mind to say was forgotten at the sound, a small smile curling his lips. His head tilted towards the answering chorus, more wolves catching onto their Alpha's return and happily welcoming him back.

What was a sound of comfort to him only had my protective instincts kicking in. I walked past the Alpha to stay close to all of my family.

Would they be welcomed as coldly as I felt I was? Would they settle in? I'd be there to make sure they were or my teeth would find flesh.

Around the bend and only a few paces ahead loomed the old gateway. Work had been done while we were gone so now the gates stood straight and tall instead of hanging from their hinges. Only one wolf waited under the archway, arms folded and dark eyes watchful of our approach.

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