Chapter 10

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Another long one that I'm not 100% sure about, but I'll leave it up to you to decide...

Are any of us truly innocent, or are we all guilty?

Chapter 10

Heavy footsteps announced the arrival of more wolves. I wasn't too surprised to look up and see Alpha Hati and Beta Caldar both stormy faced and stricken. Dressed for the weather, they appeared impossibly huge under layers of cloth and leather.

The wolves accompanying them fanned out and sharp eyes took in the scene.

No one's gaze flicked my way, and neither Alpha Hati nor Beta Caldar seemed to notice me as I shakily got to my feet and moved out of the way, Astrid pushing the backs of my legs until I stood closer to the wolves awaiting orders. I'd expected him to growl the moment he saw me, to rage at me for breaking his law.

The Alpha and Beta crouched to examine the body as Farrin had. They murmured quietly to each other, their voices a low hum in background while I tried to keep my breathing calm. I sunk my fingers in Astrid's fur, so tight it must have hurt but she didn't seem to mind. Her huge warm body pressed close to mine, her massive head at my shoulder so when her ear flicked, it tickled my jaw.

"I think he was trying to get to us," Farrin said.

"The attack didn't happen here so it's possible," Beta Caldar agreed.

"Blood drinkers aren't known for letting their victims live long enough to flee," Alpha Hati argued. "Unless he was in our territory already which I doubt after . . ." He trailed off and shook his head. "The last patrol passed this way only two hours ago so he's been dead at least as long. The creature could be miles away by now."

"He can't have been dead that long," I whispered, but it must have been loud enough for them to hear. They stared at me as if they'd forgotten I was there and I tried to lift myself taller as I affirmed. "I heard him calling out."

Farrin shook his head. "You can't have. It may look like he's not been dead long but the cold slows down-"

"I know what I heard!"

"She heard something." Astrid's hand came down on my tense shoulder as she joined me in skin, staring down her mate. "I was watching her like a hawk, something caught her attention and frightened her before the smell reached us."

The three males stood immovable, pitying gazes taking me in even with Astrid trying to back me up.

"Maybe we should search the area, maybe she did hear something and someone needs help," Farrin murmured.

Beta Caldar grunted his agreement and I watched two wolves who'd arrived with Alpha Hati slip away to do just that. They wouldn't find anyone. I knew it in my gut.

Only the Alpha appeared curious about my claim, ignoring any talk of a potential second victim while I silently begged him to believe me. Whether he did or not, I didn't know, and the others certainly didn't as my name passed their lips. I'd sealed my fate as the pack oddity now.

Astrid believed me. That was enough. She wouldn't have risked sticking her neck out for me otherwise.

Alpha Hati continued to stare at me, and I swallowed to prepare for his accusations only for him to swing on his highranked instead. A deep growl thundered from within his chest, causing birds to sweep from the trees, cawing angrily at being so disturbed.

"I told you to keep her within in our walls. This is exactly why! Who let her come? I know she didn't dare disobey on her own."

Nobody spoke, and he gnashed his teeth together. Weaker wolves cowered under the pressure of his dominance, my own head falling forward to avoid his gaze as it swept my way. I wouldn't give Astrid up.

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