Chapter 1

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Hermione Granger was curled up on her couch with a cuppa tea, a frown marring her face.

Her Friday started out like any other Friday.

Morning coffee.

Feeding Crookshanks. (How he was still alive was beyond her, but she wasn't complaining).

Ten minutes of meditation.

Scrolling through e-mails on her phone while also skimming the Daily Prophet.

Second morning coffee.

Apparition to work and polite chat with colleagues.

A handful of regularly scheduled clients:

Thomas Ballard was continuing to process his grief of his late husband.

Astoria Greengrass was battling depression due to her chronic illnesses, making it difficult some days to even floo to her appointments.

Jackson Hans was a squib, processing his resentment for having magical parents and siblings.

Monthly check-in with Auror Jenkins.

And a new client who supposedly went by "John Smith".

Hermione hadn't thought too much of it until the wizard knocked on her door and let himself in.

It's open, she thought sarcastically, finishing her notes.

When she glanced up however, she froze, dropping her quill and upsetting a bottle of ink.

Auror Draco Malfoy.

She heard snippets through Harry about him - pompous git that's good at his job.

Otherwise, she had succeeded the last seven years not running into the wizard, but alas, here he was in her office.

It's unfortunate he's a handsome pompous git, she thought wrly, admitting to herself he had grown well into his aristocratic features.

Those cold silvery eyes hadn't changed however.

Hermione wandlessly cleared the spilled ink. "Can I help you..." she dramatically paused and shuffled through her pile of notes. "John Smith?"

Malfoy's lips twitched.

"I'm here to see Mind Healer Granger," he said in a familiar drawl, closing the door behind him and making himself comfortable on her plush couch.

"I made that deduction," she said, raising a brow. "Are you looking for guidance on a case?"

"Like you could help," he scoffed, stretching his legs onto the coffee table.

Hermione barely hid her scowl. "I've consulted on numerous Auror and DMLE cases actually, but I wouldn't want you feeling inadequate." She felt gratified with his flash of annoyance. "I don't see any other reason you would be here."

"You're the reason I'm here in the first place, Granger," he sneered, appraising her coldly. "Who else would be responsible for Potter's new directive that all Aurors were to regularly see a Mind Healer? Hardly a coincidence that a third of the golden trio just happens to be a Mind Healer."

"That's hardly a new policy," she tutted, crossing her arms. "It's common practice within interpol and -"

"I've been putting this off for months and I've now been mandated to be here. So, go on, do whatever you're supposed to do."

Hermione shook her head. "I can write you a referral to see Mind Healer Guild -"

"No," he said sharply. "It has to be you."

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