Chapter 4

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⚡️⚡️⚡️ Hermione, you awake?

Hermione blearily glanced at her cellphone, and huffed indignantly as she typed.

H: I am now. What do you need Harry?

She was sleeping like shit all week, no thanks to Malfoy. She was highly considering putting in some personal time.


She snorted, able to picture him looking properly abashed.

⚡️⚡️⚡️Are you able to confirm that Malfoy is seeing a Mind Healer? He said you helped him get an appointment.

Hermione groaned, sorely tempted to throw her phone. Why was she covering for Malfoy again?

That question had bothered her all week. Why she was doing this in the first place... until she realized it was her curiosity; her weakness in the pursuit for knowledge. She wanted to know more about him and especially wanted to know why her of all bloody people.

⚡️⚡️⚡️Hullo ???

Hermione rolled her eyes, texting while walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She'd learned through trial and error that she needed to do nothing too strenuous on her weekends. As it happens, overworking herself everyday for 10+ years wasn't healthy.

H: Yeah, he is.

She glanced at her phone while brushing her teeth.

⚡️⚡️⚡️Brilliant. Also, have you heard from Ron...

Hermione narrowed her eyes at the screen, and clicked the green button on her phone.

"Harry Potter, what do you want?"

"Did I actually wake you?" he asked nervously on the other line.

She took a deep breath. "Why don't I pop by for a visit? Its been ages since I've seen James, Al, and Teddy."

There was some shuffling over the phone. "We'd love that!" yelled Ginny, causing Hermione to hold her phone away from her ear with a wry smile.

Ginny had mastered texting but not her volume level.

"I'll be over in a few," she said warmly, hanging up.

Less than an hour later, Hermione was sitting in Grimmauld Place feeding Al in the highchair while James and Teddy sat quite literally on her feet.

She wiggled her toes, making them giggle.

"Alright, Potter, spill," she said finally, as Harry fidgeted with the Daily Prophet.

"Er, Ron stopped by for a visit yesterday. He was under the impression last weekend at the pub was a sign you wanted to get back together."

Ginny gave her a I told you so look behind Harry's back while she finished making sandwiches.

Hermione sighed, bouncing her feet and inciting more giggles. "It was just a sleep shirt! I'll tell you what I told Ron: Rita is one article away from being put back in a jar."

Ginny laughed while Harry looked anxious.

"You're not actually going to - wait, I don't want to know," he said quickly, pushing his glasses up, shaking his head.

"Wise decision."

"You know, Al would eat better if you made airplane noises," observed Harry after a few beats of silence, looking at his youngest son with a bemused smile.

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