Chapter 15

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(Sorry for the long wait, but here I present to you the last 3 chapters)

-Time Skip- (Everyone Left)

I was starting to wake up when I remembered what had happened. I just tried to close my eyes and fall back asleep, hoping Tubbo didn't notice.

"Hey there, I know you're not asleep Y/n," Tubbo said. I could feel him looking at me, but I didn't say anything; I would break if I tried to.

"Y/n, I know you don't want to talk about this, but I'm not going to let you do this to yourself," I didn't speak, just sat there and listened to him.

"I know life wasn't fair to you, nor is it right now, but I promise that it will be soon. You deserve a world of happiness Y/n, and I know for a fact that everyone would miss you if you left."

I sat there for a second before hugging him. I couldn't tell if I was going to cry from what he said or from the pain in my arm.

I pulled away from the hug to see Tubbo looking at my arm. "I know it will hurt, but those need to be cleaned," he said, looking at me with an apologetic look.

⚠TW⚠ Cleaning cuts, blades⚠

I nod my head slightly before getting off the couch. We got to the bathroom and Tubbo turns on the sink. "I know it's going to hurt, but you have to put your arm under for a second."

I walk over to the sink and stick my arm under it, hissing at the pain. I quickly move my arm from the water and hop on the counter so Tubbo won't have to bend down.

He then grabs a towel and starts to clean the dried blood off my arm. After he finished with that, I again put my arm under the water and again hiss at the pain.

We then repeated the same process with my other arm. Soon, he finished, and all the blood from the cuts was gone.

"Ok, now that that's done, where are the bandages? I'll rewrap your arms," Tubbo said as he looked at me. I told him exactly where they were without thinking.

-Tubbo's POV-

I was grabbing the bandages Y/n had in her drawer when I found something in the back. I was looking at it, debating on what to do with it.

I decided to put it in my pocket for later. I then got back to Y/n and began to wrap her arms.  "Y/n, why would you do something like this," I thought while finishing up.

I told Y/n to go pick out a movie to watch while I used the bathroom. I wasn't actually using the bathroom but was going to flash down the thing I had found.

When Y/n left, I shut the door and took out the blade that sat in my pocket. I drop it into the toilet and flush it down with no hesitation.

I then joined Y/n in the living room. "Ok, so what we watching?" I asked.

With that, we watched over six episodes of South Park before falling asleep on the couch.

(Hi. Ok so just going to say this book is ending soon. I know very sad, but I think you're going to love the ending. I've been working/thinking of it for the longest time. Trying to get it perfect and I think I finally have it. BUT NO SPOILERS!!! I'm going to leave it at that, so remember to drink and eat something today byeeee)

[   *=*












He's dancing ]

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