Part Eight

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                                                     "Wake up, my love."

Amma's eyelids fluttered open. She yawned, still exhausted from a long night of walking. Well, not really walking-- more like Terra dragged her across the jagged rock of the cave. The turquoise crystals were mesmerizing, but it'd been a shame to see them in such a rush. I hardly remember a thing, she thought, rubbing her eyes, That's the same elf, right? My grandmother...was that part a dream, or....?

"Yes, I am your grandmother," snapped Terra, arranging pale-green crystals in her hair, "You can stop thinking that now."

"Oh," Amma yawned, somehow not surprised that her grandmother could read minds. She staggered to her feet and noticed that this cavern was well-furnished-- for a cave, anyway. Silver-framed paintings of elves adorned the craggy turquoise walls.

Terra poured cold water from a silver pitcher into a matching round tub.

"Come, Amma. You need to get ready for your ceremony."

"My what?"

"Your ritual! For the Great Cave Spirit!"

Terra frowned, but Amma struggled to understand. Did I forget that entire conversation?!

"We discussed this on our walk," Terra snapped, making it sound like a leisurely stroll, "You should know what I mean."

"I-I'm sorry. I don't."

Terra groaned and rolled her eyes, looking more like an angsty teenager than a grandmother.

"You need to prepare yourself for those...cave-elves. They may look a rough bunch, but they like beautiful women-- clean beautiful women."

"I still don't understand."

"Then you'll find out. It's too long for me to go over again."

"Does Maman know about this?"

Terra poured a small scoop of salt-crystal into the water. She looked Amma directly in the eye. The young lady's eyes glimmered with fear, but her mouth twisted into a nervous smile.

"You think I would bother talking to her, after she so stupidly betrayed me?!" Terra huffed, "Your mother would have never have given you the honor-- ohhh no!"

"The honor of what?"

"Being given to the Great Cave Spirit. Now, come, let me bathe you."

Amma looked behind her, but there was nowhere to run. She slipped off her gown and walked toward the tub. Terra smiled and squeezed a strange, gritty scrub-liquid from a white crystal. She massaged it deep into Amma's scalp, causing her to shudder-- then relax. The rhythm of Terra's hands, the warmth of the water, the soothing caused her to close her eyes.

"There, there," Terra spoke, "We earth-elves firmly believe that to cleanse the body cleanses the soul as well. Your soul is already clean, but there's nothing like a good touch-up."

"Ah," Amma sighed gently, "Feels good."

"Good! I'm glad you agree."

Amma's twitched. Something about this "being given to the Cave Spirit" didn't sit right with her. Her heartbeats pounded sentences back and forth. Her eyes bulged in horror as the sudden image of splashing blood, of jagged rock crushing bone, of the angry shouts of a Cave Spirit.... She shuddered, then switching her memory to the vivid, glowing windows of the Amiens Cathedral. Such devotion should be saved for stained glass.

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