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I swear the sun shines more brightly out here in the streets than at Savio's house. Trees rustle freely, dropping golden leaves onto the sidewalks. People in vibrant jackets talk and laugh, rushing back and forth. I've never seen the city this way before; just a few weeks cut off from normal life has given me such an appreciation for even the basic act of walking down the street. I feel like I can finally breathe again.

Occasionally someone in a dark jacket walks past and I huddle into myself, ducking my head, but they're mostly just businessmen. I pull the address of the coffee shop from my pocket, double checking it with the street sign on the corner. Does Savio know I'm gone yet? I felt like some kind of super spy when I called the gate guard and told him to head to Savio's office downtown. Hopefully, it will be a few hours before he realizes the call was a lie. Savio rarely comes back in the middle of the day, so I might be safe well into the evening. I furrow my brow as I realize I might have signed the man's death warrant.

Blazin' Beans is a tiny shop on a sunny, busy thoroughfare. The line stretches out the front door, blocking access to the offices next door. People give me dirty looks as I duck past them and squeeze through the entry. The yellow-and-green interior smells of fresh muffins and dark roast. All the tables are occupied by student types with laptops and notebooks.

There's only one barista behind the counter. I hesitate, not wanting to interrupt during such a rush. To my relief, a second employee emerges from the back. I wave awkwardly. She looks apprehensive but relaxes when she hears my name. "Oh, you're Miss Fiore. You changed your mind about job shadowing?"

"Ye-yes," I stammer. "I thought I'd give it a try anyway."

"I was just about to start on the second register. Follow me."

I blush as the crowd of customers watches me follow her behind the counter. She hands me a green apron to make it less awkward. It's hard not to zone out as she rattles off key combos on the register and lists dairy substitute options, but I do my best to retain any pieces of information I can. It's warm and cozy and deliciously kitschy in here. Christmas music is already playing over the speakers, even though it's early October.

After a few hours, the line goes down and the barista lets me try taking a few orders. She gives me a free muffin when it's time for us to take a break. "You seem like a sweet person," she says. "I'm happy to offer you the job if you're interested. As you can see, we have enough work to pay you full time."

I almost burst into tears, hearing the words I've fought for and longed for year in and year out. Savio's contract lurked in the back of my mind. I didn't read much of it; was I allowed to take a job outside the house? Surely he doesn't expect me to sit around and do nothing for a year. Resolve fills me. Even if he doesn't want me to take the job, I will do my best to convince him. And if he tries to lock me up or something, that has to be illegal. Maybe I can find a lawyer.

The barista's grin widens as I nod enthusiastically, and we shake hands. I spend the rest of the afternoon filling out paperwork, trying on uniforms, and watching food safety videos on the manager's computer.

"Can you come in tomorrow?" my new boss asks as she locks up the cafe. The darkness outside startles me. I was so engrossed in my new job that I didn't keep track of the time. "Say around seven?"

"No problem," I agree, my mind racing. I hadn't thought this through. Would I be going back to Savio for the night, or should I get a hotel or something? Before I know it, I'm standing alone on a quiet, foggy street. I should probably take a cab back to Savio's house. If he's mad now, he'll be even madder the longer I stay away. I might as well face him and get the argument over with.

Vengeance: DARK MAFIA ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now