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Pleasure still rides in waves up my spine as I turn my attention on her. Respecting her request, I hover my hand just centimeters from her face, fucking her with my eyes as she shudders, breath catching. I run my hand down her body, over her breast, and along her side, never actually touching her. Every inch of her flesh heats and responds to me, her gaze thick with lust as I tease her.

"Get on the couch," I murmur, tossing cushions on the floor. She hesitates, then obeys. It drives me crazy to see her soft, delicate body stretched out for me, chest rising and falling, her knees opening. It takes every ounce of the control I've cultivated for my entire adult life to keep my hands off her. I made a promise. "Take off your panties."

Her throat shifts as she swallows, her eyes taking on a tinge of panic. "Trust me," I murmur, reaching out and brushing my fingers against the very ends of the silky hair that tumbles over her breasts. Breath quickening, she wriggles against the couch, tugging her lacy thong down her legs until it tangles around her ankles. It's the first time I've fully seen her, and the fact that I can't grip her thighs and spread her open for me physically hurts. My cock is already coming back to life in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

"Spread your legs."

She moves her legs apart, lips parting slightly as her cheeks flush.

"I won't use my hands, ok?"

After a moment, she gives me the slightest nod. Unable to hold back any more, I duck

between her legs and bring my mouth to her opening. She's giving off heat like a flame. At the first long, exploratory stroke of my tongue, she writhes and moans. I realize just how close to the edge she already is, desperate for the stimulation she fears so much. Pressing my hands into the leather of the couch to ensure they don't move, I lick and suck at her clit, probing with my tongue when she reacts. She tastes amazing, pure, and musky, and she keeps getting wetter and wetter.

A guttural growl vibrates inside my chest as I devour her. I move one of my hands to my own cock and stroke it viciously, driven by her tiny sounds and movements, the way her body lies soft and bare in front of me. As she comes closer to the edge, she starts to grind against me, hips rocking. She wants me inside of her, I know she does, and it's brutally difficult not to oblige. I've had a good amount of practice at this, and I'm easily able to find the spots that torment her the most, teasing them until her back arches and she gives a sob of pleasure, louder and less restrained than I've ever heard her before. Just a moment later, as I'm still giving her one last, deep lick to prolong her orgasm, her thighs tighten around my head and I come as well. The couch creaks under our weight as we both shudder and chase the high.

She slowly relaxes her muscles, smiling faintly. Without a word, I duck my head and stroke my tongue along her again, knowing she's still incredibly sensitive. She trembles, her hands unconsciously finding my hair, trying halfheartedly to push my head away. I ignore her. "I already came," she whimpers. "What are you doing?"

I free my mouth and lift my face to stare at her. "You always stop at one?"

Her facial expression spells out alarm, but the glassy look in her eyes contradicts it. "Of course. It's too much to—" She cuts off with a gasp, writhing, as I firmly suck her.

"When you finish again," I whisper against her hot skin, "you can tell me how much you hated it."

Despite her no touching rule, her hands won't leave my hair, catching, tugging, and stroking as I easily bring her back to the brink. Her cry this time is louder, more breathless with pleasure. I could bring her here again, and again, and again if only I could brush my lips and fingers against her skin, if only I could feed her the taste of her own wetness in my mouth, if only I could penetrate her and send her to a place she's only dreamed of.

Vengeance: DARK MAFIA ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now