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Kammy's POV

      I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before making my way to sit at the island.

    'Hey' I looked up to see Kay standing at the bottom of the stairs. Without saying a word, I looked back down.

     I heard the chair beside mine scrape  the floor as he sat down.

     'How are you feeling'? He asked.

   'I don't know' I replied, raising the bottle up to take another gulp of water.

     'Dave is Coming this evening' He said

    'This evening'? I asked.

       ' Yes' he replied

   'When did you know this?' I asked staring at him.

   'All that matters is that I told you'

'Only because you were forced to' I pointed out.

   'Seriously Kammy. What can I ever do right for you?' he asked in frustration.

     'When did you find out?' I asked ignoring his question.

     'Last night, like that matters' he muttered the last part under his breath.

     'So what stopped you from telling me this morning?' I asked dryly.

    'Oh, I forgot someone sent me out of their room!' he shouted sarcastically getting up from his chair.

     'You wouldn't have told me Kay' I said also getting up.  ' Stop acting innocent. That wasn't why you came to my room this morning. You can drop the act' I added harshly.

     'Stop being mean Kamara, it's not you' he called out softly.

    'Its not me , you are right' . I told him sincerely. 'But everyone seems to be getting on my nerves lately.'

    'Look, I don't know what is wrong, but telling it out would make it a lot better' he said.

    ' I'm fine' I said firmly.

'You are not'

   'Even if  I am not, you can't help me so forget it'.  'And yeah about Dave and his parents, mom told me earlier before she and dad both left for work'. I said before moving past him.

     'You can at least say thank you' he called out after me. I turned back to face him.

    ' You suddenly started doing good, don't expect it to suddenly erase the hurt you've caused'. I said as I made my way back up the stairs.


   'So tell us dear, what are your plans for the future?' Dave's father asked.

   We were currently having dinner together like mom and Kay had said. And so far, you guessed right, it wasn't going well .

     'Definitely not been married into your family' I replied dryly picking at my food.

     'Kamara! ' my dad yelled. 'What is your problem?'

    ' I'm just saying the truth sir' I said looking up to stare at him.

   'You better be careful young lady'. He told me before apologizing to Dave's father.

     I looked towards Kaima who was sitting beside Dave at his right side. She was staring hard at her food. Her face looked pale. I realized with all the things I had been going through I didn't bother to notice if my sister was doing okay. And she wasn't, I felt it within me.

    Sighing quietly, I made my way towards the kitchen without anyone stopping me. Sighing again I walked towards the sink, turning it on , I  splashed handfuls of water on my face.

    'Hey' I heard someone call out. Switching of the tap , I wiped my face with my wet hands. Didn't do much, but at least it wasn't dripping anymore.

     ' I'm not in the mood' I turned around to see it was Dave.

     'Look I know how you feel—

' Do you'? I asked with raised brows cutting him off.

   'Look I don't want to do this to. The  same way you don't have a choice , I also don't' he told me.

   'Wait, so you mean you are also forced to, you know marry me?' I asked surprised.

    'Shhh' he shushed me looking back to see if anyone was there.

    'look' he said walking closer to me. I moved back as he took steps forward.

  'Ohh sorry he said as he stopped, taking a few steps back. ' I overheard something' he whispered.

    'Why are you whispering?' I asked also whispering.

    'Because I want to tell you something no one else should hear'

  'What's it about?' I asked.

' Its about you Kamara. I overheard my parents talking this morning'.




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