16( You are my business)

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       Kammy's POV


      'So I'm guessing you knew about her ailment, I mean, her having leukemia right?' The doctor asked us. We were all in Kaima's room including Dave. She was stable now, thanks to God and the doctors, but she was asleep.

      'Yes, we knew but, months ago she was clear from it. At least according to the tests taken'. Dad had replied.

    'That happens at times. It goes and then it can be back all of a sudden, especially if there were still some cancerous cells that weren't noticed. I'm sorry but she has stage 4 leukemia' The doctor said .

   'My God!' I heard my mother exclaim. I looked down at Kaima from where I sat on a chair beside her. Her face was calm like she wasn't even going through pain at all.

    'Look' the doctor said, calling our attention again. 'I know she didn't tell you this. It didn't just come back now, it came months ago ,she hid it from you and I don't know why. But hiding it, has caused a lot of damage and though we'll try our very best......I really don't know if our best would be able to manage it.

    'So there's nothing you can do?' Kay asked .

    'I never said that. Look, let's just hope. If you'll excuse me, I have to be elsewhere right now'.

    'Thank you so much Doctor'. Dad said to him. Immediately the door was shut, mom burst into tears.

    'Why are you crying?' I asked in annoyance.

    'Kamara, as you can see your sister isn't feeling to well so watch your mouth' Dad warned me sternly. I laughed mockingly.

    'Put yourself together Kammy'. Dave whispered to me .

    'No, let me say it. You know,' I started, looking towards my parents. ' If you both hadn't been so caught up in your so called 'problem' like you call it, then maybe, just maybe you could actually be parents and see that your daughter or let me say your daughter's were hurting.'

    'Kamara not this again' Dad warned for the second time. I continued, ignoring him .

      'But no, you all, were rarely at home and even when you were, what were you going on about, company this, company that or marriage this marriage that. ' I spoke in rising anger.

    'But we asked if you were okay Kammy, if not Kaima, we asked you' mom said softly with her tear stained face .

    'You never meant it. You only asked because you just wanted me to be ready for the so called 'good news' you always seemed to have. ' I wiped a stray tear that had streamed down my face.

    'If you had  really been there, I'm sure Kaima would have had the courage to tell you and trust me, her situation wouldn't have been this bad'. I added firmly ,gesturing towards her still body before storming out of the room.

     I moved towards the waiting room taking a sit  not bothering to notice if anyone was there. Placing my face in my palms I sighed. I felt overwhelmed, everything was overwhelming. I sniffed, wiping my tears with the back of my palm.

     'You could have at least tried to put yourself together Kamara'. I heard Dave say to me. I slowly looked up at him. I frowned slightly trying to see where he was going with this.

     ' I know you were angry and you still are, but you don't just lash out at people without thinking it through first. They—

     'Excuse me?' I interrupted, getting up from where I sat. I laughed slightly,  without humour, trying to calm myself .      
  'Sorry, I don't get it. Who do you think you are speaking to me in that manner?'.

     ' I'm just telling you the truth Kamara'.

    'Hold up'. I said while raising a hand to his face. 'You are just telling me the truth? Because?' I asked in irritation.

    ' I'm—

  'Because what? I poured out my heart to you, told you my secret and what? You think we've been bonded by love'?! I barked out in anger.

    ' That's not what it's about Kamara' he objected. ' I'm not going to say anything because I know how you feel'. He added.

    'Do you? You don't Dave. You don't know how it feels to be defiled and have your whole family turn their backs on you'!. I roared in anger not caring if anyone was listening to me.

   'I know exactly how you feel about both Kamara because I've been there!' he yelled back at me to my surprise making me even angrier.

     He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. 'Lets keep our voices down . I didn't come here to argue with you Kammy'. He pleaded softly but I was angry. Who did he think he was? Telling me what to do or how to behave.

    'You find it hard to know your place Dave. I mean, what are you still doing here?.We...are ..not... friends and I'm sure Kaima isn't. You need to back off'. I hissed in his face.

     ' I'm just trying to help'.

   'And it's certainly getting on my nerves. Don't you get it?' I asked annoyed.

     'We talked not long, you were actually warm and receptive. I don't understand your sudden change'. He said to me in confusion.

    'I really appreciate you Dave, thank you for making me feel better. But the problem is you don't know where you stand. I poured out my heart to you doesn't give you the authority to speak to me in the manner you like. You don't get to do that'. 

    'I spoke to you how a friend would'. He said, trying to reason with me.

   'And you are not my friend Dave. We may have a relationship, but that's because we had no choice. Give me space Dave. Don't get on my nerves' I warned.

     ' I should tell you the truth Kammy?' he asked.

    'Can you stop calling me that'. I called out in frustration. Staring hard at him but he ignored me.

     'I know you are hurt, and you just want  to lash out at  everyone and at every single thing around you. You have the right don't get me wrong, but you are taking it too far. We both know I never said anything wrong to get you angry. You are just looking for an opportunity to be'. He explained .

     'Again, you do not know how I feel. Just stay away Dave and learn to mind your business'.

    'You are my business' he whispered softly. I raised a brow.

    'Aww' I said in mock sweetness. 'Was that  supposed to make me smile and hug you?'. I asked sarcastically.

    'Kamara stop being difficult and try to let people help you'.

    'I don't remember asking you to be my counselor. The truth is, I actually saw you better when I was telling you about my incident. But the problem is, you don't know your limit'. I pointed out.
     'Learn not to give yourself a space in people's life before they do, because they might never have had you in the picture from the start.' I concluded before walking off, leaving him all alone.

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