15( You are not alone)

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    Kammy's Pov

       I had woken up suddenly. Squinting at the clock on the bedside stool beside me, I realized it was about 2am and I noticed there was commotion in my home. I quickly got up from my bed heading towards the door, but it was thrown open before I could get there.

        'Kay?' I inquired.

     'Kaima, it's Kaima' Was all he said before everything became a blur.


    'I watched Kaima's unconscious body as she was wheeled by the nurses into a room. I tried getting in.

    ' I'm sorry , you can't be here' one of the nurses said to me before slamming the door in my face. I moved towards the big see-through window to see so many doctors in her room attaching all sought of wires all over her. The curtains were suddenly drawn together blocking my view. I sniffed as a tear dropped.

     Now I felt so bad that I fought with her.

     'It wasn't your fault' I heard Kay say as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I wanted to shrug it off, because I was angry with him to. For not telling me about this. But I decided against it, I was tired of fighting anyway. At least for now.

      Sighing heavily, I made my way to the waiting room taking a sit on the two seater chair at the furthest corner . 
    Raising my  feet unto the chair, I hugged  them with my arms.

     I glanced around, there weren't so many people in here. Just a pregnant woman and a man sitting beside her who was supposedly her husband, a young girl around eleven with her mother maybe and a young boy who had the hood of his sweater over his head, slightly covering his face.

     I looked away. I felt the tears coming in so I snapped my head up. But that didn't stop it , since it began flowing down from the sides.

     I stayed fixed at the same spot for sometime. Maybe few minutes, hours, I wasn't sure, but I was left alone here, the others had gone. Mom, dad and Kay came in to sit once in a while, but other than that, they didn't stay long before stepping out.

    I looked at the cup of warm tea in my hands, Kay had giving it to me on his last return. I realized all the time I had been here, I didn't say a word to my parents and neither did they. I pulled out my phone from the front pocket of my jean short I had hurriedly put on before getting here. Tapping it on, the clock read 3:08am. I've just been here for about an hour I realized.

     Hearing footsteps scrape the hospital floor, I looked up slightly seeing the last person I thought could be here. He stared briefly at me before taking a sit beside me. The scent of his perfume enveloped my nostrils.  And no, It wasn't the type which smelt choky and all. It was the kind of fragrance that had stayed on one's clothes for a few hours , giving it a calming scent.

     I adjusted slightly where I sat,  placing my back on the rest. We both stared forward, no one saying anything to each other for a few seconds.

    'What gives you the right to be here?' I asked , breaking the silence, still not looking at him.

     'I heard Kaima was here so I thought I -

    'You should not be here. What gives you that right?' I asked again cutting him off.

    'I know you are annoyed about everything but, I thought we were like friends' . He replied.

    ' I'm glad you said thought, you thought' I finally faced him, pointing a finger in his direction. 'You can't think that, what makes people friends? You think it's because they've spoken to each other countless times?' I asked in slight irritation.

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