02; truth or dare

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It hit Yukio like a wave, once she stepped foot into the bustling house. There were bodies everywhere, and the aroma was full of sweat and alcohol--a favorite scent of many teens. Couples were pushed up against the walls or shoved into the corners of the house. They sucked each other's faces off, not even stopping once to breathe.

Yukio's frown deepened at the sight of the lovey-dovey couples. After the couples, there were the girls in the tight, little dresses. Yukio's frown deepened further. Unlike them, she wasn't dressed fancily. She wore sweatpants and a tight tee. Her hair was down and was messily on the top of her head. She wasn't one to wear fancy outfits to parties, because she found no need to do so.

"Yukio!" Nobara called. She was waving violently from her seat on the couch, with a guy's arm wrapped around her shoulder. Yukio wore a bemused expression and took long strides into the energetic living room. 

"Hey," she greeted tiredly. Yukio was exhausted from her practice, especially since Maki was in a bad mood. She wanted nothing more to be sleeping in her bed, with her comforter wrapped around her body. "I haven't seen you in a while," she said to the pink-haired boy on the couch.

Itadori Sukuna mirrored her expression and motioned to the spot beside him. There was a girl in that spot, and with one look from Sukuna, she scampered off. "Missed me, have you?"

"Sure have," she replied and plopped down into the seat next to him. Sukuna and Yukio had always been close friends, for some random reason. Sukuna had been in a big fight with some random boys that had something against him, and Yukio had unintentionally stepped in because she thought that Sukuna was Yuji. In the end, Yukio beat them all up, even with her shinai sheathed. "I had to fight people off on my own."

"What a shame!" Sukuna exclaimed. "Instead, I was out beating some other peasents that dared to been speak my name!" 

Yukio snorted, then glanced around, in search for a certain ravenette. "Where's Umi-chan?"

Nobara rolled her eyes and leaned her head down on the random boy next to her. "He went to go find you," she said. "How come you guys didn't come together?"

"Practice ended late," she said with a yawn. "I wasn't going to come to the party, either, but then I remembered that you threatened to beat me up."

"She couldn't even beat you up if she tried," Sukuna muttered under his breath. He agily ducked Nobara's fist. "God, I'm also surprised by how feisty you are, woman."

Nobara ignored him. "Anyway, I last saw him in the kitchen. I think some girl dragged him there when he was looking for you. No idea who she was. He kept looking at us for help. I think we all ignored him."

Yukio glanced around again, and stood up from the couch. "What about Yuji? Where's he?"

"That brat's running around the house doing some dumb shit," Sukuna replied. He looked annoyed at the mere mention of his brother's name. "Stupid brat."

"I'm going to go find Bakagumi," Yukio called backwards. She threaded past the crowd, and kept her eyes out for a certain ravenette. Yukio walked passed a hallway. Her hand shot out, and gripped a wrist harshly. With a strong grip, she yanked the person away from a certain boy. "Scram."

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