03; 'it' couple

567 30 24


Megumi shot up from his bed, and his eyes darted around in confusion. "Yu?" he called, his voice raspy and full of sleep. Yukio stood at his door, clad in her uniform. Today, she wore a black tee with her blazer and her skirt, with both of her bags over her shoulders.

"Wake up, you piece of shit," Yukio said loudly and slammed his door shut. Slowly, Megumi stood out from his bed and walked over to his bathroom in the midst of processing the early morning's events.

It's because of that kiss, he thought. His thoughts trailed back to the night before. The way their lips met. The way his heart pricked. The way her cool scent was all he could smell. Not to mention, how surprised he was to find out that Yukio was a great kisser.

Megumi groaned and ran a hand through his tousled hair. He half-heartedly began to get ready, even more so than usual. He didn't even bother putting on his white button-up, instead opting for a black tee to wear under his blazer. Jewelry was the last thing on his mind, and Yukio was the first.

By the time Megumi left his room, he was still in a daze.

Yukio, who was waiting in the kitchen, tilted her head at him. "Are you okay?" she asked worriedly. Megumi's breath hitched when she stepped close to him and raised her hand to place it against his forehead, then his cheek. "You don't have a fever, but your face is a bit red."

Megumi shook her off and gulped. "I'm fine. Let's just...let's just go."

With a curious gaze, Yukio followed after him out of the house. Then, her eyes lit up in realization. "The kiss." He whirled around.

"What about it?" he replied instantly.

"That's why you're acting like this," she said with a wide smile. Yukio wrapped her arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer to her side. "Are you embarrassed? Nervous? In love?"

Megumi groaned but didn't pull away from her. "I'm not embarrassed," he grumbled. "Oi, stop touching my hair!"

"Aw," Yukio cooed. "I didn't know you were so cute, Umi-chan!"

"Yu, I swear to--"

"Yuki-chan, Megumi-chan!" interrupted a boisterous voice. Both teenagers turned, where they spotted a white-haired male in a sports car. Gojo drove up to their driveway towards them and shouted over his loud engine. "You guys want a ride?"


Yukio intertwined her hands with Megumi and pulled them into the back seat. "We'll take up your offer, this time."

"I'm glad!" he said, glancing back to look at them. "Buckle up, kiddos!" A second later, Gojo pressed on the breaks and the car flew forward at a crazy speed. It left Megumi and Yukio clinging onto each other, with the both of them screaming. 

It was a much faster journey for the pair compared to their running distance. They arrived at the school fast and left the two in a daze when Gojo dropped them off at the entrance. 

"See you soon!" he shouted, before speeding off again. 

Megumi and Yukio were still stuck to each other. Yukio's hair was messy and tousled, even more than usual. Megumi looked stunned and a bit scared, and almost nauseous. 

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