04; family dinner

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warning: some nsfw at the end for u thirsty hoes😜



There was a loud groan, and the sweating body of a green-haired girl hit the floor. Zen'in Maki pulled off her helmet (bogu) with a huff. "Seriously, Zaizen, that's your eighth win in a row."

Yukio pulled off her own bogu, with a slight smirk. "Why are you still surprised, Captain?"

Maki replied with a glare but stood up anyway. "Something about you annoys me. I can't figure it out. Just something about you, I swear."

"I'm very sorry about that, I'll be sure to fix myself by the next match."

Maki lifted her arm to chop Yukio, who nimbly dodged her. The two made their way into the locker room and began taking off the complicated parts of their uniform. "So, how's everything with your boyfriend?"

"What boyfriend?" she replied. "Megumi?" Maki nodded her head. "What would be going on?"

"You guys literally made out at that party. You can't tell me that things aren't different. That wouldn't be normal." Yukio had a confused look on her face, which made Maki sigh. "You don't feel different around him, at all? Your heart doesn't beat more? You don't feel attracted to him at all?"

Yukio froze, in the midst of placing something in her locker. "Honestly, I don't know.  As bad as it sounds, we've always seen each other as...siblings," she said, and Maki snorted. "It has felt different recently, I noticed. And now, after the kiss, everything feels all...jumbled up."

"Are you okay?"

Yukio sent her a look of confusion. "Are there tears falling out of my eyes, or something? Why are you asking me that?"

Maki shrugged. "'Dunno. Felt like the right time to ask, I guess. But, my advice would be just to see how things go. Ride with the tide, I guess."

"Never try to motivate me again."

"So, this is what I get for trying to help you? Remind me to never do that again."

"Will do, captain."

Yukio and Maki exited the room, with their equipment over their shoulders. They were the only two that practiced early in the morning, and pretty much the only two who were in the school early in the morning. Their practice started an hour and a half before school began, and ended just before it started. By the end, the halls were decently filled and most students were in the classrooms already.

"See ya, Zaizen," Maki called once the hallway split into two halls. "Don't forget, no practice tonight!"

"Got it," she called with a sigh.

Yukio was greeted by many of her fellow second-years, whom she barely nodded in reply. Another reason that she was popular was that she was the ace of the kendo team. She hadn't lost a match once and even knocked her esteemed captain down each time they fought each other. And according to Nobara, most of the guys found it hot when Yukio beat people up with her shinai.

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