The Trial

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Helka's POV

I woke up with a start. I rubbed my eyes, thinking of the memory I had just dreamt. It was the third night this week I had the same dream. Back before I knew I was the daughter of Loki. Before the attack on New York. When things seemed simpler. The morning air blew into my room. I looked around and saw the remains of my anger from the previous night. My wardrobe was barely standing up with only two legs supporting it. My chair was nothing but firewood at this rate. The arm rests turned to splinters. I pulled myself up from the floor and tossed the dark green blanket I had fallen asleep on back to its place on the bed that was now in half.

Thor had returned my father and I back to Asgard the night before. My hands frosted over thinking of my father in chains and a muzzle. The rash from my own chains had healed quickly. When we had reached Asgard, the guards shoved my father towards the dungeons and me towards my own chambers. Odin had ordered for a guard to stand at my door in the night. We were ordered to await my father's trial this morning.

I waved my hand and put my room back in order. The dark wood mended itself on the wardrobe and chair. My bed stitched itself up and stretched the golden silk blankets across the mattress. The pillows moved to their places. My green blanket was folded at the foot of the bed.

I sat down on it and thought of the look on Odin's face when we had returned. His face was stone. His one good eye stared through me. My father hadn't looked at anyone. He stared ahead and ignored the whispers of the guards. When we were out of Thor's hands, Odin turned and walked back to the palace. He had forbidden Frigga from joining him.

A pound echoed through my room. "The All-Father awaits your arrival." The guard spoke.

I looked down at myself, still in my clothes from the night before. I waved my hand and new clothes appeared. I grabbed my sword and strapped it to my side. When I opened the door, one of the maids stood with a dress in hand, ready to help me get dressed.

"My lady," she tried to say.

I walked past her without a word. I was in no mood for a dress today. A young warrior was to be welcomed into the palace halls for a while today before the trial. If he was to stay here, he should know quick that the daughter of Loki wears what she wants.

My footsteps didn't make a sound walking on the palace floors. The golden marble glistened in the morning light through the columns. There's only one person who can sneak up on me, my father used to tell me. When I reached the door to the throne room, I waited behind a couple of guards. I cleared my throat and one nearly slit my throat. I moved out of the way and eyed the soldier.

"F-forgive me, y-your highness," he stammered.

"It's alright," I spoke, moving in between them. I made my way to my father, standing off to the side. Guards stood next to him. They tried to keep me from standing next to him, but I drew my sword and pushed theirs out of the way. I narrowed my eyes at them as Frigga walked past.

"I wouldn't fight her," she spoke. She made her way to Odin's side just in time for the guards to open the doors.

"Your majesties," the guard announced. "Sir Gustav Hensen has arrived."

I turned and waited for the guest to arrive through the doors. Thor was standing near Odin, who sat in his throne. My father's hands were in front of him, tangled in chains that were connected to his feet. He kept his head high, but his eyes kept shifting from Odin to the doorway. My father didn't take kindly to visitors often. His fists were clinched, and his eyes stopped shifting and narrowed towards the man and other guards.

Helka LokidottirWhere stories live. Discover now