Sneak Peak at Helka Lokidottir: variant 2

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Loki stood with his daughter at his side. Her green dress hung at her shoulders, stopping just above her chubby knees. Her raven black hair fell to the mid length of her back, hiding part of her emerald, green eyes. She clutched Loki's leg, digging her nails into the fabric of his pants. She kept her hands close to her chest, making sure not to make any movements. She was barely five years of age.

Loki's nostrils flared. His eyes glared towards the All-Father. He kept his hand on his daughter's back, pressing her into his leg. He could feel her uncontrollable sobs. "If you harm Helka, if you hurt my daughter you will live to regret it," Loki warned

The two stood in the center of the throne room. Odin in his chair with Thor and Frigga to the side. Two rows of guards encircled them and had their weapons ready. The ones in front held out their shields. Odin stared down at them, his fingers turning white from gripping his staff.

"She killed her mother, and she has no control of her magic! She's too dangerous to be kept alive!" Odin roared. "Helka Lokisdottir is to be banished and stripped of her powers and knowledge of anything pertaining to this realm. Including you."

Before Loki could protest, guards walked up to the child and quickly took grasp of her hands. They cuffed them together. Symbols lit up around the chains, charming her from being able to accidentally summon magic. Loki tried to fight for her, but more guards held him back. His daughter's screamed echoed through the palace halls.

"No!" she screamed. Her voice cracked as she continued to scream for him. "Father, please. Daddy don't let them take me! Please, I'll do anything!"

Loki broke free from his own restraints and ran after her. "Helka!" He yelled. More guards at the doorway blocked his exit but he threw one of his daggers and hit both the guards. He saw his daughter struggling to get free, but the two guards were too strong for her. They dragged her down the Bifrost towards Heimdall.

Loki got to them just before his daughter went through. "Wait," he roared, "At least let me say goodbye."

Heimdall allowed it and the little girl ran to her father.

Loki bent down and took the chains off her wrists. Her skin was red from her struggling. She wrapped her little arms around his neck. Loki stood up, holding his daughter in his arms. Her sobs muffled into his shoulder. He rubbed the back of her head, flattening her hair back.

"I'm sorry father. I can be better."

Loki was silent, holding Hel tighter in an embrace. He lowered her to her feet and wiped the hair from her face. Tears stained her pale cheeks. Loki wiped them dry and forced a smile. "Never be sorry. I'm the one who is sorry. I should have taught you more." He rested his head against hers and sang softly, "I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene. Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem I eplehagen står møyen den vene. Og synger: "når kommer du hjem?" The girl wrapped her arms around him again. "I'll find you," he whispered. "I promise I will find you. Do you trust me?"

The little girl nodded her head as Loki rubbed his fingers together, summoning a piece of paper. He slid it into her pocket. He held her one more time. He could feel her tremble against him.

"It's time," Heimdall said.

The two guards grabbed the girl and dragged her to the edge. She turned back just in time to reach for Loki before they pushed her forward, her image shifting into a swirl of colors until there was nothing.

Loki's breath staggered. He summoned a dagger and threw it at the two guards who had taken his daughter. "You will regret this," he gritted through his teeth. Odin had arrived just in time to see the girl disappear. "I will find her, and I will bring her home." Loki pushed past Odin and walked back towards the palace.

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