Visitation (Against Odin's Orders of Course)

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Helka's POV

I did not leave my room for ten days. Maids brought food in when they realized I couldn't be convinced to join Odin and Frigga at the table. The night I made an appearance, Frigga tried to get me to talk but I stared at my wrist cuffs. I ran my finger over the serpent and the howling wolf, feeling the edges of the grooves. I felt my mind race.

I thought of when I heard of my father's disappearance before I found him on Earth.

When I had arrived at the end of the Bifrost, Odin and Heimdall were pulling Thor back up from the edge of the bridge. When they saw me, their eyes dropped. Thor's face hung low, and Odin had a single tear in his eye. I looked over the edge and saw nothing. I fell to my knees and clutched my stomach. I screamed and hung my head, nearly falling myself if Thor hadn't pulled me up.

Letting the anger wash over, I pushed my chair back from the table, the sound echoing in the empty room. My eyes glared at Odin before I stormed out of the room. Odin tried to call for me, but Frigga stopped him.

When I was in the hall, I hid behind one of the columns, using the shadows to hide myself. I waved my hand over my face slowly and imagined my father's cell. I could see the glimmering light with my eyes shut. When I opened them, I saw him walking back and forth.


He rushed towards me and wrapped me in a hug. His robe hung at his side as I tried to half bury my face in the seams. "I take it by your entrance you didn't get Odin's permission to come down here yourself," he said, wiping away the tear falling down my face.

"I spent over a week in my room. The maids tried to get me out earlier, but I refused. I heard Thor is home now in case you were wondering. He returned with the mortal woman. Something has taken over her."

"Odin will make that oaf king while I rot here in this cell."

I looked around his cell, there was a pile of books neatly stacked in the corner by his bed. "I see Frigga sent you books."

My father raised an eyebrow at me. "A god of magic wasting away his days reading when with a wave of my hand I could know every word on every page, which I've done."

I forced a chuckle. "I'll try to talk to Thor-"

My father put his hand up. "Don't worry about me. I don't want you ending up being stripped of everything."

"I already have," I stated. "I'm confined to the walls of the palace and forbidden from seeing you. I already lost you once. Now I feel like I'm losing you all over again."

He gestured for me to sit in the chair while he made his way towards the cot they gave him for a bed. His feet hung from the end if he didn't sit propped up. The walls of the cell were shimmering with gold magic, zapping anything that touches it. "Has the Hensen boy tried anything on you?"

    I shook my head. "I haven't left my room since you were brought here. This was the first night I left my chambers."

    "I hate leaving you alone and unguarded, Hel." My father rubbed the back of my head and flattened my hair. "I worry I can't protect you the way I promised your mother." He tried to soften his eyes, but even he couldn't lie to himself.

I gave my father a weak smile. "You put a dagger in my hand before I could take my first steps across the palace floors. You taught me magic before I could talk. I will be alright, Father. I promise. He won't get far if he tries anything."

We stayed quiet for a while longer. I watched a few guards walk by, not even taking a notice I was in here. I was sloppy enough I didn't put a shield over myself to shroud me from their view.

Helka LokidottirWhere stories live. Discover now