"You are mine, Emily... You belong to me" he whispers in my ear and then kisses me. I feel electricity through my whole body. His hand goes from my hips to my ass and he squeezes so hard that I can't help the whimper that esc...
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"Eat, Emily" Ben orders, a plate with fries in front of me but I can't; I'm not hungry. "Emily, eat!" he orders again when I refused, this time louder. I stand up from my place on the disgusting mattress that I moved in the corner of the room and walk carefully over, aware he's watching my every move which makes my stomach double over; hold it in, Emily, hold it in! "No thanks?" his brow arches.
"T-Thank you" I manage to say and take the plate, moving to my spot again. I don't know how long I'm here but if I need to count on the food I get very day then it should be 2 days...2 days I've been here and I could escape at all.
"Good girl" he stands form the stairs, strolling over to me and sit on the mattress as well and I wished I could disappear into the wall or something. "Scared of me?" he asks and yes, I'm scared of him; he's the one hurting me and then is surprised that I'm scared? What a psychopath! "I'm not bad, Emily"
"What then?" I ask and regret it immediately; my big mouth and brain aren't working together these days...
"I'm just hurt, I guess" he replies to my surprise and I dig into in further; maybe I can convince him this is wrong and he lets me go...what a stupid idea, Emily.
"I know Mateo hurt you but how?" putting the plate away, I take a chance to sit closer but not too close. He arches a brow, confused.
"Why do you care?" this is good! He's feeling weak now and I can use that to my advantage.
"Because I do..." I whisper, waiting.
"Mateo took the person I care about away from me" his hands become fist; shit...
"Who did he take away from you?" he's about to answer when there is a knock on the door.
"YES!" he yells and it opens, two man in tattoo stepping inside, their expression in disgust.
"Don, you need to see this" Don? That word is only used when-
"-You're a mafia too?" I ask a little too loud and he grins.
"Well, Yeah; you're husband isn't the only one here" he turns to both man and says something in...Russian? "Что это такое?" (What's wrong?) and he takes the newspaper. "Well, Well..." he looks at me, the paper in his hand so I can see it. "Your husband is going all out, I see" on it there is a missing report in big and red letters. He tosses it towards me I read it carefully.
MISSING: Mafia's wife!!!
Yesterday night Emily El Ricci, the wife of a powerful family, went missing, and probably kidnapped, after she went to the garage of her company, ProtecPower. The family is looking for her but even now we can't find her. Who ever saw or heard anything about this kidnapping; please let the police know!
The wife's husband will give a gift of $1,000,000 if the tips are useful and if anyone manages to find her alive, he will give $10,000,000 or even more. Here are the descriptions of Emily...
Thank god they didn't say anything about the pregnancy! I look back at Ben.
"There're looking for me" that means they will find me; or I hope. Ben murmurs something in Russian again and storm out of the room, closing the door with a loud bang that startles me.
It's been a few hours; I know that because it's darker then first and I've been listening what everyone is doing here; it's so quite I can hear their footsteps, their conversations, even when I don't understand it but I could heard that Ben left not so long ago and there are only you guards in here...I've planned my escape plan and now is the perfect timing. I stand up from my spot on the mattress, stretch my legs and try to remember what Kevin taught me at my defense lessons; I'm small and weak but that doesn't mean I'm slow, in fact, I'm quit fast for my body so if I can hit in the right place then it should be easy. The adrenaline shoots through my body and I'm ready. Knocking on the door I wince in pain, hoping to get their attention and it worked. The door opens and I attack; hitting him in his balls, he doubles over and I hit him on the spot in his neck that Kevin said will make him lose control.
"Fuck!" he screams and a second guy comes. Pushing the first guy towards him, they both stumble on the ground; one unconscious and the other one struggling to get free. The second guy makes an attempt to pull his gun out but for some reason I punch him in the face a few times and he's unconscious as well; never knew I had that in me. Not wasting time, I look for a way out but the big door leading outside opens, other guards running inside and I run to the back; there must be a way out.
I wince when the light is on but soon recover to find an open window; it's like god is on my side for one. I know these guards can't kill me, I'm too precious and I take advantage of that of course. On my bare feet, I jump out the window, land on the wet grass with a wince and run. I don't know where I head because I'm in the woods but I don't give a fuck! I just need to get out of here...Somewhere there must be a road or something. The moonlight shines on me and I look back to find them chase me but I'm faster; those jogs I've been complaining about pay off, thank god! Running, that's the only thing I do for the past 10 minutes until I don't hear footsteps anymore, only my own and my heart beats faster and faster; this is going to easy... in the distance I see trees and trees and guess what? Trees again. Where am I? I don't think am in New York; otherwise it's too easy...I stop running and tiptoe further, my feet hurts like a bitch but if that's what it takes to be free, then I don't care.
I don't know how long I've been tiptoeing but somehow I find a pad...a pad where cars can come which means if there is one, I can beg for help...with new hope filling my chest, I run, stopping when I see a sign: Pennsylvania Susquehanna forest. Wow, that's far from home...Light catches my eyes and I turn to find a car riding towards me; Finally! I wave over, standing in the middle of the pas so he needs to stop and he does...Am I finally free?
The car stops in front of me, the car's light blinding me and I wince.
"Please, help me!" I yell, stepping closer. Someone step out of the car and-
"Hello, Little Girl" Ben says, waving back. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I look is horror at him and then remember I should run. Stepping backwards, I turn to run but he's faster. His arms come around me and I kick and try to pull away but it's no use.
"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" I scream with so much force, the birds in the tree are flying away; think Emily! What could I do so they can find me...? The necklace! Yes, Ben didn't see the necklace I got around my neck; I can use that so people know I was here! I pull my arms out of his grip, hitting his face in the process.
"CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" he yells in my ear but not noticing me pulling the jewelry off, letting it fall on the ground; please let someone find this! Please! "Alright!" he says. "If you want do this the hard why then-BANG!" and everything turns black again...
A/N: FUCK! It didn't work out! Please be safe! And fuck you, Ben! Hope you go to hell!