HB Kay

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Hello, my name is HB Kay. At least that's what they call me. Here's what a lot of people have been questioning about. They all want to know what really has happened to me, which caused me to become what I am now. You can stay and listen if you want to hear about everything that has occurred in my life ever since I was born, to this very moment. All doubts will be cleared, and there will be no more secrets between you and me.

There's a hella long way from the very beginning to now. You still can leave now while you still have the chance. Remember I am putting my entire life in your hands once I have started narrating my story.

Here it goes. Hold on tight because a storm's coming your way.

We'd have to go a good twenty three years ago. Actually no, maybe we should rewind a couple of years more. Four to be exact. New Orleans, Louisiana. My parents, Maverick Vince Anderson and Phyllis Audrey Norling, were having their first child: Haylee. A gorgeous smart little girl who grew to be eager and yearning to learn about every single thing that surrounded her. This was the child of my parents' dreams; she was what they could have ever hoped for. They knew she was going to be everything they expected her to in the future. A promising prospective could be seen ahead of the three of them. A family anyone wished for.

But when life didn't look like anything else but a repertoire of flawless prosperity, a little surprise had to turn up to pop the bubble. Four years from Haylee's birth, Phyllis got pregnant once more, which was not into their plans. The two parents were absolutely disconcerted. They believed a second child would be just a burden to bewail, considering what a blissful future they could see ahead of themselves. They highly doubted they'd have another strike of luck and be blessed with a new clever lively kid. But they did not have any other choice but to give life and raise the unwanted baby.

Little Haylee, however, was extremely excited to have a new little sister. She knew they would develop a great bond between them, and the more she waited for the day I'd be born, the more thrilled she'd be when my birth was to come. Haylee had no clue how jaundiced her parents felt towards their unwanted forthcoming baby.

And so, the day arrived. August 17th, 1991. Haylee's little sister was finally born. That was me. Kaylee Anderson. And just as expected, I was bound to cause nothing but trouble.

I was born with a severe hearing impairment, which would affect more than eighty five percent of my ability to hear. I wasn't completely deaf, and I could detect sound, but in a quite diminished quantity. The doctors could not determine exactly why, but they suggested it could be due to a congenital condition. My hearing impairment would obstruct my speech perception and learning. Luckily, it was corrigible.

My parents refused to resort to a cochlear implant that would allow me to acquire oral language with a potential success; they believed that a mere unwanted kid did not deserve it, for it wasn't worth it.

During the postpartum recovery, as the doctors prompted more options to carry on with my condition, it filled up my parents' heads with uneasy worries that my existence would come with an awful lot of threatening downfalls to the family.

The day my mother was allowed to leave the hospital, due to medical stability, they were going forsake me in the nursery room. They preferred not to opt for the choice of giving me out for adoption, because of any possible anticipation issues, so they figured they would leave me in the hospital's custody. But before my parents could step into the elevator and exit the birth floor, little Haylee was concerned about her newborn sister's absence and questioned. It was hard for Maverick and Phyllis to make Haylee understand they were going home without her sister, which they actually didn't do. They were simply telling her they were leaving. And still, little Haylee was persistent, and ran to the nursery room to ask for me. This is how my parents saw themselves force to take me home with them.

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