Chapter 02

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Chapter 02

Huminga ako nang malalim. Maybe today's the day when I'd finally meet the love of my life! Who knows, right? I have to remain optimistic hanggang hindi ko pa siya nakikita. Baka kagaya ko, hinihintay niya rin ako. I wanted him to know that I'm doing everything I can to find him, but I really wish that he'd find me first.

"Date?" Mama asked.

I nodded. "Yes."

"Tell me about it?"

"If it's good, I will," I told her.

She frowned. "If it's a bad date, you call me and I'll pick you up myself. Tayo na lang ang magdate. There's a new restaurant I've been meaning to go to!" Mama excitedly said.

I laughed. "If he's an extremely bad date, maybe I'll finally take you up on your offer," sabi ko kay Mama bago ako lumabas ng bahay.

Dumiretso ako sa hotel kung saan ko imimeet iyong pinsan ng college friend ko. We agreed to meet in a restaurant of my choosing. I chose one of my favorite restaurants. I believe na kung pangit man iyong date, at the very least, nabusog naman ako. I wanted to take at least one good thing from every date I go to. In everything I do, I wanted to take one good thing from it para kapag naaalala ko siya, I'd focus on the good thing instead of dwelling on the bad thing. I call it my survival instinct.

Pagdating ko sa restaurant, I immediately spotted Patrick doon sa may bar. We're still waiting to be seated. He was cuter in person. I hope that this date's a good one.

"Hi," I said nang makalapit ako sa kanya.

He stood up. "Hi," he replied. He offered me his hand. Tinanggap ko iyon. "I'm Patrick Toledo," he continued.

"Graciella Arevalo," I replied.

"Nice to meet you, Graciella."

"Likewise, Patrick," I said with a smile.

The date began like all my other dates. Pinag-usapan namin iyong mga basic. I was answering with ease because I'd been doing this for as long as I could remember. I couldn't wait for my last first date! Would I know that it's my last first date? Would I know that the person I'm with is the person I'd spend the rest of my life with? Possible naman, 'di ba? Kasi nung tinanong ko sina Mama, si Rhys, si Iñigo, sabi nila may something daw. I asked them kung ano iyong something na 'yon, but they all said that it couldn't be explained with words.

Basta raw kapag iyon na, alam mo na.

Gusto ko rin nun.

"Excuse me," I said tapos ay tumayo ako para pumunta sa CR. Kaya lang ay tumalikod ako pabalik dahil parang may naiwan ako. My forehead immediately creased when I saw Patrick acting weirdly. He kept on looking on both his sides hanggang sa may ilabas siya na maliit na lalagyan. My lips parted upon the realization of what was happening.

Oh... my god...

My body began to tremble at the possibility of what could've happened had I not seen what he just did. Paano kung hindi ako lumingon? Paano kung dumiretso lang ako papunta sa CR? Ano na ang mangyayari sa akin nun?

'Calm down,' I told myself.

I forced myself to go to the bathroom. Mabilis akong nagtext kay Iñigo kung pwede ba na puntahan niya ako. Ayokong magtext sa mga magulang ko. This would just start a whole thing. Mas lalong ayoko na sabihin kay Rhys dahil hindi ko alam kung ano ang gagawin niya.

"It'll be fine," I told myself. "Pupunta dito si Iñigo. Walang masamang mangyayari. Everything is fine, Gracey."

I wanted to just stay inside the bathroom hanggang makarating si Iñigo. But I almost jumped from where I was standing nang makarinig ako ng katok mula sa labas.

(Yours Series # 5) Always Yours (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon