Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Thank you," I said before I grabbed my things and stood up. It was my third session. I go here once a week. At first it was... weird. It was weird to talk about my feelings to someone who was basically a stranger, but I knew I needed this. Somehow, I knew I needed this, but hearing Chester said that I needed therapy made all the difference.

Because I thought I could be fine on my own...

Nakaya ko naman ng ilang taon...

But maybe I was just fooling myself.

Maybe I was not fooling the people around me kaya ganoon na lang sila sa akin—I knew that most of the times, I have things easy. Maybe I just refused to acknowledge that, but people knew that I was struggling, so they tried to make my life better in their own little ways...

After my session, I headed straight to Chester. He asked me before if I wanted him to accompany me sa session, but I declined the offer. I'd feel weirder to know that he was just outside waiting for me. Because I knew that if I did do therapy, I needed to do it right. I wanted to be okay for myself, but more so, for the people around me.

He was in the middle of duty when I saw him. I didn't approach him because he looked like he was busy. Besides, I like watching him work.

I tried to wait for a few minutes, but bigla akong inantok. Lumabas na ako ng hospital and I walked back to the apartment na lang. I just slept tapos when I woke up, nakabalik na si Chester.

"Hi," I said.

"May pagkain," he replied.

I grinned because he knew me so well. "I went to the hospital pala kaso busy ka sa duty kaya umuwi na lang ako," I said as I grabbed a glass and poured water for myself.

He nodded. I knew he wanted to ask about my session, but he was just stopping himself. I love how he knew my boundaries. When it mattered, he'd push me to do things but never shove. At the end of the day, he respects my decision and that's one of the things I love and adore about him.

I really did get lucky with this human.

"I need to talk to some people..." I said.

He looked at me. "Okay," he replied without asking who.

"I figured it's better if I start with my parents... then Iñigo... and I'm honestly still debating if I still need to talk to Rhys because knowing him, he has a tendency to overreact."

His forehead creased. "You'll talk to them?" he finally asked.

Tumango ako. "Yes. I figured I need to talk to them about this. Because I'll never really be okay if I'm hiding something this big from people I really care about," I said as I gave him a small smile. "I love them and I know that they'll support me. I just need to find courage to tell them what's bothering me."

Instead of saying a word, Chester just reached for my hand and squeezed it tightly. And oddly enough, that was probably better than any word he could say at that moment.

* * *

First, I had to talk with my parents. I began our talk with a reminder that what happened before was not Iñigo's fault—not then, not now. It was a long talk. There was crying—mostly on Mama's end—but it ended pretty well... They asked if they could do anything—cover any fertility treatment that I might need. I thanked them muna kasi kailangan ko ring kausapin si Chester tungkol doon. Kung mabubuntis man ako, it's our baby. Kung anuman ang desisyon para doon ay kailangan desisyon niya rin. I didn't want to decide on my own kahit gaano pa kaliit iyon.

(Yours Series # 5) Always Yours (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon