Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"What's the matter?" Mama asked.

"What? Can't I visit just because?" I replied.

It was the middle of the week, but for some reason, I decided to go to my parents' house instead of staying in our apartment. It's so weird how for so long, I referred to this place as my home, but now, it's my parents' home and my home is wherever Chester is.

"If you do say so," Mama replied with a smile.

As expected, there's a dinner party later pala. Usually, I would help but I just was not in the mood to do anything. Pero ayoko rin na mapagisa. Siguro kaya pumunta ako rito kasi gusto kong makakita ng tao. Kapag kasi magisa lang ako, I'd think about the things that I try so hard not to think of.

It's crazy how I was trying to hide from my own thoughts.

"Ma," I called when I felt like I was already drowning.

"Yes?" she replied.

"I have a big problem."

Agad siyang naupo sa upuan sa harap ko. "Have you accidentally killed someone?"

My forehead creased. "What? No. And bakit naman 'yan ang unang naisip mo?" I asked, so weirded out that this was her first response.

She shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, you're a doctor. As much as you want to save lives, unfortunate things do happen."

I sighed. She's right... Unfortunate things do happen...

Mama didn't ask me what was my problem, but she also didn't leave my side. I just kept on sighing hanggang sa makaipon ako ng lakas ng loob para magsalita.

"We went to the doctor," I said.

Her eyes widened—it was as if her life flashed before her eyes. "We? Sino? Kayo ni Rhys? What is the problem!" she asked, now visibly panicking.

I quickly shook my head before things escalate. "No. Not Rhys. I'm sure he's fine," I said. "We as in Chester and me."

Mama's lips parted a little. She's my mom. And she's a woman, too. I felt like she already had an idea of what I wanted to talk about, but she didn't want to force me to tell her anything. I just kept on sighing and sighing until I gathered enough courage to continue.

"I mean... I already know this kasi sinabi na sa akin before... but to hear it again... and with Chester beside me... it just sucks."

Back when I was first told na if I wanted kids, it's possible but it would be difficult, I was heartbroken... I had always wanted kids. I had always wanted a family. I grew up in a loving household. Gusto ko rin ng ganon. I wanted to have a son first para may kuya iyong baby girl. Kasi kahit kambal kami ni Rhys, he always acts as my big brother. Gusto ko ng ganon na pamilya.

It was heartbreaking to know then...

But with Chester in the picture?

I was devastated.

I felt like the universe was playing me.

That now that I'd found the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, pakiramdam ko naman ay ang unfair ko sa kanya na hindi ko mabibigay iyong pamilya na gusto namin...

It sucked.

"What did Chester say?"

"He said that it's fine," I replied with a sad smile. "But it's Chester, you know? He always knows the right words to say..."

She smiled. "He's a good kid," Mama said.

"He is."

"You deserve the best."

(Yours Series # 5) Always Yours (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon