Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Chester really did try to attend, but he couldn't find anyone to switch duties with him. He even went out of his way to buy Mama a gift! And specifically told me to greet her on his behalf. I would skip this party, too, since sinabi naman ni Mama na we'd have a separate celebration, but I didn't want Chester to think na he's causing a rift between me and my family.

Instead, I was here in the party... but this felt different than before.

Iba na nga siguro talaga. Because now, I have my own person na. I have someone who I'd rather be with given the chance. I just really like having him around all the time, if possible.

In the middle of the celebration, nabigla ako nung makita ko na nakatingin sa akin si Tito Fred. I was hesitant at first pa, because maybe he's looking at something else... But then he made his way to me.

"Hi, Tito," I greeted as I stood up.

He gave me a small nod. "Can I?" he asked, pertaining to the empty space on the bench I was sitting on. I gave him a small nod din. He sat down. I sat down din because ang rude naman if aalis ako ngayon na pumunta siya rito.

Silence filled the air. Hindi ako nagsalita because I really didn't know where to begin... and I didn't even know what to say. Ayoko na magsalita on behalf of Chester because that's his issue. That's his problem to solve. Nandito lang naman ako para makinig sa kanya. The only time I'd step in is if he asks me to. I wanted to respect his privacy kasi nagsasabi naman siya sa akin kapag gusto niya.

"How's Chester?" he asked.

Agad akong napatingin sa kanya. "He's fine po," I politely replied.

He gave me a small nod again. I didn't know why, but I felt like he had a million questions he wanted to ask... pero hindi niya matanong because he's probably aware sa nararamdaman ni Chester—or the lack of it.

I didn't know if I was waiting for him ba na magipon ng courage to ask me more about his son, but I was surprised, to say the least, when he stood up after a few seconds.

"Tito," I called bago pa man siya makaalis. He looked at me, but he didn't say a word. He's really a man of few words. "Chester's doing really good," I added. I didn't want to divulge more information about Chester, but I just couldn't shake the feeling off na of course he's still his dad... Of course he worries... Maybe... Kasi ganon iyong parents ko sa amin ni Rhys... So, I just wanted to reassure Tito Fred na okay naman si Chester.

I hope I could do this, at the very least.

"I know," he simply said.

"You know?"

"He's my son," he said. "I always try to know what he's up to."

"Oh," I replied, my lips parted. "That's... nice. But wouldn't it be better po if you... ask him yourself?" I asked because him always knowing what Chester's up to sounded like intrusion of privacy... lalo na at alam niya naman na may problem sa pagitan nilang dalawa.

At this point, I was ready for him to be offended since I knew that this wasn't my place to speak naman... but instead, he just gave me a small smile. I didn't know... but that smile felt like he was already contented with the situation between them.

Ayaw ni Chester magcommunicate.

Okay na si Tito Fred na ganito.

I guess... there's nothing left to do na kung pareho naman na silang ganito.

* * *

I left the party at around 9PM. I headed to St. Matthew's instead of going back to the apartment. I was just so tired and I wanted to see Chester.

(Yours Series # 5) Always Yours (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon