Chapter 23 - PRESENT DAY

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Victor Bodogian couldn't have looked less like the gangster boss he was if he took a course. Thinning dark hair, styled into a god-awful comb over, perched on his round face. Plump cheeks and a small nose over an even smaller mouth left one with the impression of a garden gnome.

His condominium suite cost more than Marcee's inheritance, Walter thought, as he was ushered unceremoniously to the seat across the ice-rink sized glass coffee table. Marcee was delivered to an adjacent chair to Victor and sat uncomfortably while he did a very slow, deliberate scan of her body. An array of expensive paintings tastefully placed around the neutrally painted walls bore witness to the strained gathering.

"Albert tells me you don't have the item I'm looking for." Not a question, a flat, ominous statement.

"That's right." She said testily. "Whoever Albert is."

"Albert is the rather large gentleman to your left, sweetheart." Marcee glanced up at the rock-blasted face of the man and then quickly to Walter. "Your friend won't be doing anything to help Miss Hayes." Victor let his reptilian gaze glide over Walter. "By the way, are you married, you two?" His stubby finger waved between them.

"Not that it's any of your business, but no." Marcee was sitting on the edge of the chair, her lips tight together.

"But the same name?"

"We're distant cousins," Walter said, annoyed. "Look, we don't have what you want, which by the way doesn't belong to you, so let's just forget all this goodfella stuff and let us go."

The tiny mouth moved into the shape of a tiny smile. "Goodfellas, I like that. Is that what you think we are here, Walter, gangsters?"


"Then it might be wise to exercise a little more restraint, don't you think?" Victor looked at Albert who moved over to stand behind Walter. "Let's see if you can do that... exercise restraint while I deal with your uh, cousin."

"You won't be doing any dealing with me. I've already told you, the Scottish courts kept all the material until they verify the family's claim and authenticate the papers."

Victor lifted his chin and the other man that had been silent up to now, went to the door and opened it, admitting two more men, one of whom Marcee recognized immediately.


"Another distant cousin." Victor's remark was directed at Walter but he held Marcee's eyes as she watched a humbled Garfield being led to a seat next to Walter.

"Why are you here? What's going on?"

"Tell her, Garfield." Victor smirked.

"My mother's cousin retained council in Scotland and we know that the papers were filed before you left and that you would have received a receipt along with all the necessary material for any court action you might have considered back home."

Garfield looked stricken. His lines were delivered as if rehearsed under penalty of death.

"So, Miss Hayes, you weren't exactly forthcoming." Victor oozed smugly.

"What my cousin has wrong in his statement is the fact that I have yet to receive those items he mentioned. They were to be sent along after the courts authenticated the claim as I have already told you. We just got back for heaven's sake."

"There was mail on her table, Mr. Bodogian." The up to now silent thug spoke up.

"Very good, Martin. Very good. Perhaps you should return and bring back anything relevant. We'll entertain our friends here meanwhile."

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