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"I love you. I want to be with you forever."

   Yes you do Koushi, you love me, you should, you are, and always will...

   With that we settled that night it seems Koushi is back on track, and I wonder what made him distracted from it..definitely that Captain.
   But I feel new, more aware, if such a chapter comes to repeat, I know what I should do next.
   I'm not the one looking for Love.
Satyriasis..I always knew that there was something wrong with me, this abnormal sexual desire, that it never seems to be enough sex that it will make it go away, for a least a day
I'm glad I have Koushi, but..he's not enough.
   That's why I don't date, -but I am?- one is not enough, I need more, that is what I'm looking for.
   I'm the one looking for Pleasure.


'A month later'

   He pushes the back of my head, making me bend over the counter. His hand touches the side of my thighs, going up my hips.
Slowly. Damn.
   He licks his finger and threads his fingers into me. I groan and try to find something to hold on to.
And then, his hand disappears.
   Someone is at the door. [Name] goes there to open it. I groan in annoyance.
From the kitchen, I see who it is, my eyes could widen so much?

   "Daichi!!" I screamed without thinking.

   What is he doing here?!

   "Hello Sugawara..." He seemed distant, and I felt like that too. "You didn't come to school for a whole month, is everything okay?"

   Has it been a month?!
   [Name] kept phones away when we were together, I didn't know it would keep me so detached from the world, but I couldn't leave the house, I think that added up.
   I didn't even notice the time passing. It felt like a week, I enjoyed it, but there's school...

   "Love, did you call him over? You should've told me. " I hear [Name] smoky taunting voice smile from Daichi's side.
I don't know what happened, but I lost words, I got...scared?

   "I actually welcome myself to come here." Daichi informed him.

   Both looking intensely at each other's eyes [Koushi doesn't see they're glaring daggers at one another] why?

   "Good you came here, I was talking to Koushi about bringing you over, you two look like good friends." [Name] spoke coming to stand next to me.

   He pulls me into a kiss "I'm gonna get something for us to eat then."

   He takes the bike keys, and soon it is just me and Daichi.
It felt awkward, I got too used to being just me and [Name]...

   "Where have you been all this time?" Daichi asks worriedly

   "Here..." confusion written on Koushi's face.

   "You didn't go out?"


   "...Where is your phone?"

   "[Name] have it" Koushi speaks like [Name] little rules are okay, blindly accepting all of them.

   Daichi suddenly got up, taking Koushi's arm, making the boy get up too.

   "Let's go, that's why I came here. I can't watch you live like this."

   "Ugh? What are you talking about?" Koushi looked genuinely confused, making Daichi want to end this quickly.

   "Come, make your bag, put only the essentials" Daichi pulls Koushi to the boy's shared room.

   "Daichi, what are you doing? What do you mean?" Koushi takes the bag anyway, even not knowing the situation.

   Daichi proceeds to pull Koushi here and there in the house, not answering many of Koushi's questions, just trying his best to help his 'friend' out.

   I spended a whole month thinking about how I could help Koushi. I got even more rushed when Koushi stopped coming to school, seeing he didn't pick up his phone either, and nobody had seen him anywhere, not even his family.
   But a couple of days ago, that fucker crossed paths with me, sick bastard, with sick talks.
[Name] is always trying to make me snap, and I will, but first, I have to get Koushi to a safe place.
   Looking at him now, so close to the door, that will lead him to freedom, my heart aches. Koushi is so manipulated by [Name], he thinks all the abuse is okay, even though he thought otherwise a month ago.
   I don't know what happened with me, but having him stand in front of me, those eyes, all we felt next were each other's lips sealed into a kiss, one that I noticed it felt different to him.
And I felt glad he kissed me back, I glad he emptied his hands to hug me while kissing me like he never truly knew it could be this good.
   And I made him feel even more wanted, I gave him the gentleness of affection he deserved, until the kiss felt salty, and my finger wiped his every tear, even when they came one after the other with no stop.

   "Come with me." I whisper in his lips, and he takes my hand, giving me a bittersweet smile.

   He looks at the door we are both standing in front of and I encourage him with a gentle smile, this time it looked even more painful for him to put on a smile...


   "Love needs Pleasure, Daichi."

To be continue...

Author here! I think some of my writing block went away, I hope you like this one. Thank you for being here. °♡

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