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"What are you doing here?" I ask him. It's definitely a surprise. 
"Just wanted to see ya, that's all," he shrugs.
"Okey, you saw me. Have a nice night."
"Noo, Harry, invite me in. I need to talk to you. It's my room too. Don't you know that? Of course you do."
I huff, open the door with my keycard and tell him, "go ahead."
He takes his time in getting up. Should I help him? I mean he helped me last night. He's so drunk. What is he having? Neat tequila? Smells like that though. I want to puke at the smell of that. I swaer to God I won't drink any alcohol anymore.
"Thanks," he says and steps in. I close the door behind him. He is inside and I'm in the hallway. Jokes on him.  I'm hungry and I'm still going to go to the petrol station. I need some snacks and he needs to sober up.

For my luck the petrol station is not far away. I take some cheese snacks and a red bull. Seems like a good combination for a night snack.

I feel so much better now. Fresh air works magic on me. Maybe I can have some rest now. My sleep schedule is so fucked up. I get to the hotel and then I remember that I have Louis in my room. He's probably passed out. I kind of hope he is passed out. He was pretty drunk earlier.
I open my rooms door as quietly as I can. Maybe he is asleep. I don't want to wake him up. I don't want to have an awkward conversation.
No such luck. He doesn't sleep. The music channel is on and there he is. Sitting on the floor, his back is against the bed and his head is leaning back on the bed. Louis turns his head slowly to me and a big smile comes to his face, "heyyy, you came baaaack. Loulou was waiting for you to come back," he takes one big gulp from his bottle and tries to stand up but fails miserably. This makes him laugh, "I can't get up. I'd like to get up and hug you but I just can't. Come here I need a cuddle Harry. Haaarrryyyy. I need a cuuuudllleee. I need you to tell me more beautiful and nice things. I need to hear something nice from you."

Ookey. I'm confused. What is happening? A prank or something? I wouldn't be surprised if it was. I have my biggest bully in my room infront of and totally wasted and convinced that he wants to hug me.

I make my way across the room so I could sit down behind the table. I put my drink on the table, open it and turn myself around to face Louis. He looks so..lost?

"So why are you actually here Louis?"
"Loulou was better," he is pouting and he sounds..offended?
"Louis? Why are you here?" I repeat.
"There's so many things. Like, I don't know, three things or so," he says quietly.
"Start from the beginning, from the first thing. I'm all ears."
"First of all. I am so very sorry for every shitty thing me or one or both of my idiots have ever done to you. I would like to take it all ba-"
"What's the second reason you came here?" I interrupt him. I was rude and I didn't mean to or maybe I did mean it. Shit. I don't even know. I'm mad at him and I'm mad at me and there is nothing I could do about it.

He exhales loudly and drops his head he puts his empty bottle down.
"Cuz you don't remember Harry," he slurs and looks at me. Dude literally looks like he is about to cry. What is happening?!

"Y-you don't remember anything about last night. That night that changed everything. Now I feel like I used you. I didn't want to use you. I asked for your permission I really did. I thought about not doing i..."
"You didn't use me Louis. Nothing changed."
"Yes I did, you don't remember what we did. Everything changed. Everything changed for me. And if you find out then you'll hate me and I don't want you to hate me Harry. You, you made me feel special Harry, no one has ever told me the things you told me last night. Every other boy or a girl has been like so whatever you know. Just a random fuck. They didn't care about me and I didn't care about them. But you. You are something extraordinary."

And then there's a tear. He wipes it away quickly like he did last time.

"Louis, for the last time. You didn't use me. I was okey with it. I told you I won't regret it and I won't be able to hate you."
"No but- Wait. You remember?" I can literally hear the hope in his voice. Even his ocean blue eyes fill with hope.
"Yes I remember it all. It came all back to me when we got back here."
"S-so you remember all of that?" he struggles to get his shirt off.

Secret admirer {larry stylinson} Where stories live. Discover now