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After school, as promised, Wang's family driver went to Yellow Turtle Cafe after picked up Sizhui, Yuan and Qin. At the cafe, those three little kids sit on one table with their driver. Well, if Mrs Wang who is a very warm person makes him stay and enjoy his break, he will just wait for them in the car. The kids doesn't need a babysitter anyway, they're a good and behave kids.

"Da ge, do you remember uncle Zhoucheng?", Yuan.

"Uncle Zhoucheng? You means mama's friend?", Sizhui.

"Yes, you know what, his sons are in my class and they're a bully", Yuan.

"Why did you said that? They look like a good kids to me", Sizhui.

"They're not a good kids. They always bully Qin. Wait, do you know them?", Yuan.

"I met them once before. They went to mama's bakery to buy a cake for their mom's birthday with uncle Zhoucheng", Sizhui.

"Oh, so they didn't lie about that, good", Yuan.

Yuan then take a sip of his orange juice and eat a slice of cake. He then continue to tell Sizhui his experience today. Qin is as quiet as usual, she just listen to her brothers conversation.

"Da ge, I have another story. Listen to me, it happen today", Yuan.

"Okay, what happened?", Sizhui.

"Today, I'd been called to discipline office with them. But it's not my fault okay, it's them", Yuan.

"Why? Are you guys fighting with each other?", Sizhui.

"Yes", Yuan.

"Ah?! Why? Didn't mama said it's bad to fight with others?", Sizhui.

"I know, but I already said it's their fault. They start it first", Yuan.

"It's doesn't matter who started the fight. The point is it's bad. You need to be more patient little grumpy", Sizhui.

"I know, I know. If you're at my shoes at that time, I think you'll fight with them too. I'm pretty sure of that", Yuan.

"How can you be so sure? I'm a rational person, not a grumpy like you", Sizhui.

"Of course I'm sure of it. It's not about Qin anymore but about papa. They really said mean things about him", Yuan.

"What? What did they said?", Sizhui sounds a little bit angry.

"A rational person, huh? See, I knew you will be angry", Yuan.

"It's not a time for joke, Yuan. What did they said to papa?", Sizhui.

"Okay, okay, calm down. First, they said me and Qin is not a sibling, not to mention a twins. Then they said papa is a disgusting man because he date a man and feel sorry for his family. Then, they said Qin is his illegal child. They said papa should find a new wife, not a boyfriend. When I said mama is still alive, he said papa is even more disgusted. That's why I fights them, I feels super angry at that time", Yuan.

"Did you win?", Sizhui.

"I don't know. The teacher come and we continue with verbal fight until mama came. I think nobody wins", Yuan.

"What did mama do? Did he scolded them? Spill the tea", Sizhui

"Not really. He is mad but he talk softly, so they don't argue with him", Yuan.

"Well, it's mama that we're talking about. He is the most patience and sweet person that I ever met in this world", Sizhui.

"I know right, mama is kind. He is too kind sometime. Do you know how we get to come here today?", Yuan.

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