Part Number Eight: Plans and Schemes

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The six friends traveled toward the vortex. Eventually Ugezivius shouted for them to stop. "I think we should formulate a plan of action. That and discuss what we know!"

"Agreed!" Lady Sterling answered as she circled to land as Ugezivius lowered the carpet.

Zyrax jumped off drawing one of her sonic blasters. "I will maintain watch." She declared in her monotone voice.

White Raven responded: "I believe I will join you" and unslung her chu-ko-nu. Both stood a yard or so from each other aiming in opposite directions.

Silas dismounted from Lady Sterling's back as he stretched his stiff muscles. It had been quite a day so far and he felt like it was only going to get worse.

As the two kept guard, the other four companions brought each other fully up to speed.

"So what do we know so far?" Mathias began.

"There has been an 'incursion' from the abyss. The oracles that contacted me foresaw this incursion, but were not sure of its source." Lady Sterling – still in her draconic form – answered.

"Then there are these spyder-fiends. There were believed to be creatures of legend – or at least extinct." Ugezivius added.

"So what do we know of them then?" Mathias asked. "These spyder-fiends".

Lady Sterling responded: "Apparently they are a unique breed of demon. The result of an unholy union between the so-called Queen of Chaos, one of the greatest of the ancient Qlippoth lords, and a being called Miska the Wolf-spider, referred to as the second tanar'ri in blasphemous texts."

"The second? Who was the first then?" Silas interrupted.

It was Mathias who replied. "Demogorgon, the Sibilant Beast".  At which all four in the conference made signs to ward themselves against evil. For while there were many horrors in the multiverse, few were as feared as the Sibilant Beast.

Lady Sterling continued: "The spyder-fiends were the backbone of her army when the Queen of Chaos warred against the Wind-Dukes of Aaqa. A war that ended in a distant Prime World, not unlike our own called Oerth. Apparently her general, Miska the Wolf-Spider was slain and the armies of Chaos fled the field. But the Wind-duke forces were too depleted to pursue."

"So what do these spyder-fiends want here?" Ugezivius asked.

White Raven answered over her shoulder: "Miska the Wolf-Spider is not dead, he is only imprisoned. The spyder-fiends wish to free him and continue their war."

The four friends stared at each other in horror though none thought to question White Raven on this sudden inspiration.

Ugezivius spoke first: "The planar boundaries are thin on this world. That is why so many beings of power covet our planet to begin with. We cannot allow this to happen my friends. Not only would the destruction wrought to our world be catastrophic, but worse the forces that would descend upon us to oppose the enemy may not think twice about collateral damage."

"And it goes beyond our world. The spyder fiends should they rekindle their ancient war, could slaughter billions across all worlds." Mathias added.

"Then we must do everything in our power to defeat these spyder-fiends. No matter the cost." Silas stated grimly.

Though silent, his five friends agreed.   

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