Lies in the Meadow🌺

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More Ari and Nikki because I can! I hope you enjoy!


*Authors POV*

As Ari was laying on her bed with nothing to do, she feels her phone buzz.

*Text message*

Nikki❤️ : hey wanna hang out? I got a perfect idea!

Ari : Sure! I have nothing to do anyways!

Nikki❤️ : Awesome! I'll come and pick you up at ten, okay?


Ari looks at the time on her phone and jolts up. "It's 9! I have to get ready!"

She quickly responds with "oki!" To Nikki, and runs to her closet to find an outfit when she remembers that she doesn't know where Nikki is going to take them.

*Text message*

Ari: Btw, where are we going?

Nikki❤️ : just wear something cute and casual!

Ari : Okay!


Ari picks a yellow crop top with a orange butterfly in the middle, with a white yarn jacket, blue jeans with flowers and smiley faces on them, and some yellow converse. She runs to her bathroom, starting the shower and gets undressed while waiting for the shower to get warm.

After her shower and getting dress she does her makeup, which is some shiny lipgloss, yellow eyeshadow and bee freckles. She grabs her phone and keys to her house and sits on her living room couch, waiting for Radiance to message her.

She sits for about 5-10 mins while checking the time every second. She was so nervous because she has had a crush on Nikki for, forever! And everytime they hung out, it felt like a date.

Her phone vibrates and she snaps back into reality to see that Nikki messaged her saying she was there.

Ari rushed out the door to the car, when she reached for the door handle and gave it a tug, it wouldn't open. She looked at Nikki, who had a smug smile on while she unlocks the car door, letting Ari get inside the car.

After Nikki pulls out the driveway and back on the road, Ari tries to start off a conversation.

"Soooooo, where are we going?" She asks as she strings her words out, looking cheekingly at Nikki. "It's a surprise!" She says, smiling slightly as she sees Ari lean back in her seat and pout.

"Please tell me!" Ari pleads. "You'll know when we get there! Just wait!" Nikkj says, calmly.

After waiting, for what seemed like forever to Ari, they finally park. With Nikki getting out the car, and running over to Ari's side before Ari could even open the door.

Nikki opens the door and bows saying, "M-lady" Ari giggles and takes Nikki's hand, and gets out the car. Once she stands up completely, she sees complete black. She was scared at first until she realized it was Nikki's hands covering her eyes.

"Nikki! I can't see anything!" Ari says with a giggle. "That's the point." Nikki says as she leads them both to only Nikki knows. They kept walking and walking and all Ari could make out was the sounds of nature and Nikki's tiny giggles she tried to keep silent but Ari thought it was kind of cute.

They stop. Nikki slowly uncovers Ari's eyes, as Ari gets used to the light, she sees a beautiful meadow. The sky at it's bluest and the air at it's freshest. She turns to Nikki who is looking at her, waiting for her to say something.

"I love it! It's so pretty out here!" Ari's says, gawking at the scenery. Nikki laughs, "I knew you would like it!" She says as she takes Ari's hand and leads her to walk into the meadow, to set up a blanket.

They set down the blanket and lay down, looking at the clouds, naming what they look like as they go by. It became silent for a bit. But not awkward silence, a relaxing silence. Nikki sighs and says, "I have to tell you something." Ari turns her head, looking at Nikki, asking her to go on with her eyes. "So um, I have been keeping this secret for a while and I think it's right for you to know." Ari sits up with Nikki following the same action. "Ok...what is it?" Ari says, with a look of confusion and fear.

"Well, umm, I like you ..well no...I love you. I love the way you laugh, and smile and the way you talk, and how you don't care about what others say. You stay positive and you have been there for me no matter what. And not only that but you are beautiful and you seem like you belong in a fairy tale! You are you when your around me, and that makes me love you."

Ari's eyes were watering after she heard these beautiful words come out of Radiance's mouth. She smiled and turned towards Radiance completely, putting her hand on her knee.

"Ari......I love you too." Once those words came out of Ari's mouth, Nikki pretty much tackled her with a big hug and kissed her cheek multiple times.

"Finally I can say this! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!" She says between every kiss. Ari giggles and Nikki gets off of her. "Sorry" Nikki says while scratching the back of her neck.

Ari laughs softly and just looks at Nikki, longingly. Nikki looks at Ari the same, then says, "do you wanna be my girlfriend?" She looks at Ari with hope and fear. And with that, Ari nods really fast and again, Nikki hugs Ari but this time, it was short. They stayed close, and Nikki then asks, "Can I kiss you?"

Ari blushes deeply, but nods slowly. Nikki pulls Ari in by the chin, softly placing her lips on the others. Their lips move in sync, it felt like peace was made all over the world. Butterflies were bursting in each other's stomach. They pulled away after a couple seconds, smiling at each other. They lay back down, holding hands while looking up at the sky. Milking every second they had together.


Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you have any requests, let me know! ~Author

1036 words in all

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