Met You in a Dream🌺

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More Nikki and Ari! <3



*Author POV*

As Nikkj finally fell asleep, she wakes up in a dream.

*In dream*

Nikki looks at what's around her, she is in a beautiful dark red dress, not too long, not too short and some dark red heels as well. She seems to be at a big ball. She never had a dream like this. She goes over to an empty table and sits down, and watches as random strangers dance around the big ballroom.

After a couple minutes, she hears footsteps approaching her. "Excuse me?" She turns to the source of the voice to see a handsome looking woman in a completely black suit, like button up, tie, hat, suit jacket, pants and shoes were all black.

She looks at the woman with confusion. "You are looking astonishing on this fine evening. Would you like to dance?" The gentlewoman says, while bowing with her hand reaching out to Nikki. The woman looks at Nikki with a hopeful look and Nikki takes her hand, slowly getting up.

They go to the dance floor, and slow dance along with everyone else. The woman was gentle with her hands and every step or move was majestic and smooth. Nikki was mesmerized by this mysterious woman.

Once the song they were dancing to ended, the woman took Nikki back to her table, where they met. "Here, now before I leave you be, I would like to introduce myself." The lady says after Nikki sits. "I am √@✓€3£"


*Out of dream*

Nikki woke up with a start, stopping her alarm with frustration. "Dang it! It was a dream! I wish I got to know their name at least." She mumbles the last sentence. Then she remembers that she is going to a party today and that she needs to get ready. She gets out of bed and heads to her closet, picking out a black crop top with a red and black plaid button up, and black ripped jeans and black converse. She goes to her bathroom, starting the shower and hopping in.

She gets out, dries off and gets dressed and heads back to her bedroom to get her makeup and hair done. She puts on dark red lipstick, and black and red eyeshadow and she curls the ends of her hair. She looks at herself and she is proud of her outfit.

She goes to watch some TV in her living room to pass by time before the party. After a coul of hours, her phone buzzes.

*Text message*

Bestie🤪 : Hey girlie! Better be ready because I am coming to pick you up!

Nikki : yeah, I'm ready! Hurry up!

Bestie🤪 : I'm going as fast as possible! I'll be there in 10!


Nikki puts her phone down and turns her tv off, and just sits there, waiting. She hears a car horn go off so she leaves her house, locking the door behind her. She gets into her friends car (her friends name will be Kyliegh)

"Hey girl! You look good! Who you dressing up for?" Kyliegh says with a smug look. "I ain't dressing up for no one! I just wanted to look good!" Nikkj says. "Ok" is all Kyliegh says while she pulls out the driveway. The ride was short and silent because they mad with there in about 15 minutes.

"Ok, let's go!!" Kyliegh yells while she runs into the house where the party is. Nikki slowly walks into the house, already smelling the alcohol and weed. She was never the type of person to smoke weed but she drank light alcohol. She went into the kitchen, getting herself something to drink, she got water because she didn't want to get drunk to fast.

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