One Magical Night🌺

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Nikki and Ari



Nikki was sitting in front of her vanity while her parents maid tightened her corset. Nikki groaned in pain as it squeezed her.

"I know it hurts dear, I am truly sorry but you know how your parents are. They want this night to be perfect. And they want you to find someone by the way they act, hence why they want everyone to wear a mask." The maid said softly.

"I know ma'am, but I don't see why I need to appear to be something I am not!" Nikki says defeated with a sigh. They stay silence as the maid goes to get Nikki her mask from the closet. She is wearing this big white dress with gold lace all around it and her mask is completely white with gold lining and white and gold feathers out of the right side.

Nikki loved how the dress fit around her body perfectly. "You look stunning dear!" The maid said clapping. Nikki was proud of the way she looked, at least how she looked at that moment. She usually hates they way she looks, she thought her body was just a torture chamber that her soul was trapped in and she hated it.

The maid led Nikki to her parents so they could see how she looked. "Here she is your majesty's." The maid says, doing a curtsy. "You look astonishing!" The queen says, clapping. "You did a great job picking out the dress!" The king says to the maid.

Nikki goes back to her room, she was told to sit there and wait until the ball was to start. Hours seemed to pass when Nikki heard a knock on her door. "Come in!" Nikki shouted. The door opened, revealing the maid. "The ball is about to start! Come on down!"

Nikki followed the maid down to the ball room, and already saw people slow dancing and drinking wine and champagne. "Have fun dear." The maid said, with a smile and a pat on the back. Nikki smiled back while the maid is walked away.

Nikki went to a table with drinks, grabbing a glass of wine. Her mother walk up to her as she takes her first sip. "Remember, you must find someone to marry at this ball. They don't have to be royal but they have to be worth to be king or queen." The queen whispers, looking at her daughter, soon to be queen. "I know mother, I hope I do find someone." Nikki says, as if she is losing hope in finding love.

"You'll find someone. Just keep trust dear." The queen says, then walks away, back to her husband to dance. Nikki walks to a empty table and sits, watching all the lovely couples dancing. She sighs. Nikki gets startled when she hears, "Excuse me, princess?"

She turns to see what seems to be a woman in a very handsome suit and completely black mask with white lining and white feathers out one side. The lady bows with one hand out to Nikki and the other behind her back. "May we have a dance?" The mysterious woman asks.

Nikki takes the lady's hand, and the lady leads her to the middle of the ball room floor. They slow dance to the piano and harp playing in the background. They look into each other's eyes. Radiance notices that she has blue eyes and she feels like she is being drowned in the ocean when she looks into them. But she liked that feeling. They had rosy cheeks, and slightly plump lips. Brown and neatly brushed hair.

Nikki liked their voice too. It was calm but bold. Warm but cold. It was soothing. And she liked that. They danced for the next 3 songs, not leaving each other's side. Nikki liked how swiftly the lady made her spin. The lady made her feel like as if she could do anything and be anything.

After they danced to the last song, the lady leads Nikki back to the table, letting her sit again. Before the mysterious lady could leave, Nikki says, "Wait! May I please know your name?" The lady turns back to Nikki and smiles softly. "My name is Ari" she puts her hand out and Nikki puts her hand in hers, saying, "my name is-" she was cut of my Ari saying, "don't worry. I know who you are." And with that, Ari kisses Nikki hand and smiles.

Ari walks away, and the night went on, slowly. Nikki danced with other people but they weren't as loving as the one with Ari. After the ball, everyone left and Nikki went back to her room. She closed her door behind her and sat infront of her vanity once again. Taking off the mask and looking at herself in the mirror. She knew she would t find anyone, she just wants to meet that Ari person again. That's when she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in." She says quietly. Her door opens and in walks her mother, coming to stand beside Nikki. "Did you find anyone you like?" The queen asks softly. "Well, I found one person. They said their name was Ari and I really want to meet them again." The queen nods and then leaves the room, saying a quick goodnight to Nikki. And telling her to get some sleep.

The next morning, the maid wakes Nikki up with a start. "Princess! You must get ready, you have a date today!" The Nikkk was confused but she got up and go ready. In a slightly big dark green dress, it was one of her favorites. She gets into the carriage and goes to wherever she is supposed to go.

She makes it the beautiful garden that is far away from the castle so she hardly goes there. She gets out of the carriage and is greeted by a unforgettable voice. "Hello princess." She turns towards the voice, seeing the unmasked and beautiful lady. She could never forget the way she felt when she looked into her eyes. "Ari!" Nikki said while walking at a fast pace towards her.

Ari kisses Nikki's hand and leads her into the garden. Going to her personal favorite spot. The tunnel. It was filled with tiny lights and light purple and blue flowers. Tiny benches every few feet.

They both say down but they weren't sure what they should talk about but Ari soon broke the silence.

"So, princess.." ... "Please just call me Nikki." Nikkk says softly. And she says sorry for interrupting. "No need to be sorry pri- I mean, Nikki. Umm but I was wondering if I could possibly....kiss you?" Ari says softly. Nikki laughs at Ari's nervousness. Nikki put her hand on the others, smiling and nodding yes. Ari lightly grabs Nikki's chin to tilt her head the right way and then softly places her lips on Nikki's. They lips moved in sync and to Nikkk, it meant so much to her. And she loved it.

They pulled away and they were both blushing deeply. They continue to talk to each other, laughing and enjoying each other's presence. Nikki had to sadly go back home, and talk to her mother.

"So, how was the date?" The queen asks, hopeful. "It was great mother! I definitely want to marry them! Please!" Nikki says. "Very well then. It is set! Your marriage should be prepared shortly!"

*Time skip bc I can*

*2 months later*

"Do you take Nikki to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Ari says softly.

"And do you take Ari to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do!" Nikkk says quietly.

"You may now, kiss the bride."

Ari grabs Nikki by the waist and smashes her lips onto the others. The kiss was passionate and filled with love. Everyone was clapping and cheering.

Nikki has never been happier. The night they met was one magical night.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you have any requests, let me know! ~Author

1344 words total

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