Morning Blowjob 🔥

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Dylan x Noah



Noah woke up to sounds of whimpering. The sun was shining in his face so it took him some time for his eyes to adjust. He turned to his side, seeing his boyfriend, Dylan, lying next to him, on his back.

Dylan is whimpering, and squirming around a bit. Noah seems worried until he hears his boyfriend say his name, "Ah- N-Noah~" Noah blushed when he realized what Dylan was probably dreaming about.

Noah smirked then lifted the blanket up to see Dylan's lower half, noticing his bulging erection through his pajama pants.

He removes the blanket completely, sliding his hand over to Dylan's thigh. Dylan grinded up once Noah's hand touched his erection, whimpering at the feeling.

Noah slowly pulled away Dylan's pants and boxers. He took Dylan's tip into his mouth, earning a slight gasp from Dylan.

Dylan opened his eyes and looked down to make direct eye contact with his boyfriend blowing him off. Dylan blushed and then Noah went down, taking in his whole length.

Dylan covered his face, groaning softly. Noah slowly bobbed his head up and down, making Dylan whine. Dylan's hands found there way to Noah's hair.

Dylan bucked his hips up into Noah's throat. Noah gagged at the sudden movement, but stayed still. Noah let Dylan continue to face fuck him, whining and groaning at the extreme pleasure he was getting from this.

"I- I'm gonna-" Dylan was cut off by a loud moan. He kept thrusting, riding his high out, cum dripping from the sides of Noah's mouth.

After Dylan stopped, Noah took his d*ck out of his mouth, swallowing all of his cum. He came up to Dylan's face and pecked his cheek.

"Can we go back to sleep?" Dylan said, curling up into Noah's chest. "Mhm." Is all Noah said when they both passed back out.


I hope you enjoyed this story! If you have any requests please let me know! <3 ~Author

334 words total

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