Cindarella and her two sisters

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Its been a few weeks since I found out my father died and life's been....well it's been going.Iv learned to except the facts that he's gone and it was easier for me than it was for Lexi because he's never really been in my life. But anyways my moms coming into town today and surprisingly I'm excited for it, she's coming to meet the kids in person for the first time and not just through the FaceTime app, plus she and I have a pretty good relationship now days.

It was early in the morning and I was preparing breakfast before the kids wake up. I cut up a few tomatoes and pre-made chicken breast Derek made, and put them  in the salad I was making. Derek didn't really trust me cooking food on the stove without him at least being around , so he said I should try to stick with making cold foods...and I think he's right. I was taking the bowls out the cabinet and setting them on the kitchen island until I felt muscular hands wrap around my waist.

" your up early" Derek says as he lays his chin in the crook of her neck. He kissed her kissed her shoulder and felt her relax in his embrace.

" We'll yeah, all of this excitement and nerves about my mom coming isn't letting me sleep." She said putting some salad in a bowl.

Derek sighed and grabbed a water out the fridge.
" Mer, your mother coming is a good thing. I mean yeah it isn't for the best reason but you and her are on good terms now and she can meet her grandkids for the first time"

" Yeah I know I know, but what if she treats them like she treated me? I-I mean I wouldn't let her but I don't want my kids to think there grandmas an evil witch that makes little kids cry! I mean she was an evil witch but-" she rambled on and on as she started to eat her salad frantically until her mouth was full.

" Mer honey, your rambling"

She gave him a half smile while her mouth was still full. "Sorry Der, I'm just nervous." He smiles at her and his eyes began to sparkle.

" Mer it's cute, your rambling is cute to me" he says walker closer to her. She roles her eyes and gives him a funny grim. He gets close enough for her that she has to look up at him or she'll only see his chest and look into each other's eyes.

" Todays gonna be fine ok, so don't worry about it and relax, we got this"

She smiles and repeats after him. " We got this" he leans down a bit and kiss her lips, he felt her body relax and pulls her in closer. He lifts her up onto the counter and starts to kiss her neck. " Der...we should stop" he sets his hands on her butt and squeezes a little. She squeals and then looks down. " Derek!"

He looks at her a groans. " ugh, why do we have to stop." He whines. Meredith giggles as he puts his head in her chest and groans even more. " Because my mother will be here in 3 hours and my sisters will be here less than 30 minutes to help clean the house." He looks up at her and grins. " I can do less than 30 minutes"

" Derek we have kids right upstairs. Do you really think we can really pull of kitchen counter sex without them waking up and being traumatized?"

He wraps his arms around her body and makes his head comfortable on her chest. " The real reason we can't have counter sex is because your too loud." She looks down and raises her eye brow.

" I'm the loud one? Oh ok Mr 'Oh Meredith! you feel so nice' " he lets go of her and raises both of his eye brows. " Like your any better Mrs 'Yes Der, right there' or ' Der, I-Im' and then you don't finish your sentence because your too busy moaning and trying to focus on breathing." Meredith smiles and then hops off the counter, she slaps his arm and then takes water bottle he has in his hand.

" Jerk" she says walking out the room. " Hey! I was drinking that!" He says before laughing and shaking his head.


It was later that day and the kids were awake eating there lunch Derek had prepared for them. Meredith was too busy cleaning with Maggie and Lexi to even argue about why she couldn't help make lunch for the kids.

Meredith had her hair in a messy bun with Derek's sweats and an old blue shirt on. She was wiping down the counter while Maggie swept the floor and Lexi wiped down the stove.

" Daddy?" Zola said looking up from her iPad.

Derek looked up from his phone and smiled " Yes baby?"

" Why does mommy, auntie, and Mimi look like there from our Cinderella movie upstairs." She said with a concerned look on her face.

Derek couldn't help but chuckle at his daughters concern and imagination. So he kissed her for-head and said " Baby, mommy,Mimi, and auntie are just stressed right now because grandmas coming over today. But I promise you there fine my love" he game her a warm smile and she went back to her iPad. Bailey was watching paw-pa- troll's on the couch ignoring everyone around him so Derek took this moment to go check up on the three Cinderella sisters before they drove them selves crazy.


He went into the kitchen to see Meredith Maggie and Lexi all taking a break and drinking white wine. Pretty early for wine but wasn't unusual in this house. "Hi pretty ladies, you guys ok in here ?" They all groaned and Meredith went up to him and buried her head in his chest.

He started rubbing her back and took the wine glass out of her hand." Taking that as a no."

" so. Tired." Lexi moaned

Maggie just shut her eyes and put her head in her hands. Derek just buried his nose is Merediths hair and then sighed.

" alright I think you guys did enough today. It's time to relax. Mer you go shower and get yourself ready and you tow ladies relax. I'm not kidding, if I come in here and see one of you three even try to slightly clean something up your all doing jumping jacks." He said raising his eye brows.

Maggie and Lexi looked surprised while Meredith looked turned on. " Yes chief shepherd" she said winking before walking upstairs.

" So bossy" Maggie said taking her and her glass of whine in the dining room.

" I'm not even gonna ask why she called you ' chief shepherd' just gonna mind my business" she gave a awkward smile and walked into the living room with the kids.

Derek was surprised that actaully worked, he didn't think he had that much power....maybe that'll work on my interns? He thought to himself, he then went upstairs to check if Meredith was actaully trying to relax before the day got even more chaotic.


My cheer season ended so I got a lot of free time!🙃

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