Settling in

523 23 2

Mer looked at derek and back at the door." I-I,ll get it."

Meredith took a deep breath and  hurried to open the door for her mother.

" Hi mom!" Meredith said with a greeting smile.

" Hello Mer , this is a beautiful home you have honey" she said leaning in for a hug.

Meredith was shocked...Ellis grey...her mother....was actually giving her a hug..and calling her honey? Is she dying too?

They slowly pulled away before walking towards everyone else. " Oh thanks, we built it ourselves." She said with a smile.

" I know Bailey told me over the phone" she laughed before hugging Derek. " Hello dear" As her and Derek were hugging, Derek's eye brow raised ...he couldn't believe Ellis grey was hugging him..and calling him dear, was she sick?

Meredith gave him a fake smile with big eyes before they pulled away. " Hello Mrs Grey" Lexi said along with Christina .  Maggie just gave her a warm smile before looking away. Maggie and Ellis's relationship has always been kinda off, since she found out she was her real mother a few years back and that she put her up for adoption...they just haven't been the closest.

She greeted them as well before turning back to Meredith. " So where are the children?"

" They are both upstairs in the play room" Meredith assured.

" Oh you have a play room, how fancy" she giggled before turning to the stairs.  " May I?"

" Of course you can go upstairs mom, you aren't a stranger" she giggled, cringy at the last part. Ellis walked upstairs and they heard  the squeals of two happy children.

" Did she really just hug the both of us?" Meredith said walking back to where the rest of them were.

" And call us ' Dear' and ' Honey'?" Derek said following behind her.

Meredith poured a big glass of wine into a cup before taking s big gulp. " I think my mother is gonna die too" she groaned.

" Oh please, Meredith maybe she's just trying to be nice" Maggie said pouring her a glass as well.

Lexi got a bit jittery and began to play with her hands.  "Yeah, and she's going through a hard time right now...since you know...anyways, she may just be trying to change her ways"

They just say there in silence before they seen her come down the stairs with Bailey on her hip and Zola holding her hand.

Meredith bent down a little with her arms wide open " Hi Zozo" Zola let go on Ellises hand and tan into her mothers arms.

"Hi mommy" she said as Meredith scooped her up.

Ellis looked at Bailey who was on her hip and said " I believe these two have a very important question to ask you"

Meredith tilted her head confused before she heard baileys voice breaking the silence. " and Zozo w-want some ice cream"

" Yeah mommy could you and daddy take us? Please mommy?" Zola joined in.

" Yeah mommy pwease?" Both of her kids knew exactly how to get what they want...the poppy dog eyes. She knew they had gotten that from Derek because he pulls that card a few times a day.

" Ugh fine, but you have to wait until the adults talk? Can you do that for mommy and daddy?" She explained as she watched Bailey reach for his father.

" gonna take fowever?" Bailey groaned tilting his head back causing Derek to put his hand behind his head so he doesn't hurt himself.

Maggie set her cup down and smiled " I can take them out for the day? We can get ice cream and go to the park....and maybe we can catch the new minions movie or the way home!" She said making the last part more exciting and enthusiastic. Maggie knew that it didn't rlly matter if she missed the conversation that would go on here, I mean, after all thatcher wasn't her father. Sure she wants to be there for her sisters and her mom but...she just didn't feel comfortable right now.

Bailey jumped up and down in Derek's arms. " Minons!" He said mispronouncing the word causing Derek to chuckle.

Meredith turned around and smiled. " Aww Maggie, you really don't have too"

" Sure I do, I love these guys" she said messing up Baileys hair a bit. " Plus I'll have Christina right along with me"

Christina looked up wide eyed. " You will?"

" I will"

Christina gave a cringy smile. " We'll...I wish I could but I just remembered I have to somewhere soon" she said putting her cup in the dishwasher and grabbed her jacket.

" Please aunt Chris? It'll be so fun!" Zola said still in her mothers arms.

" Yeah'll be so fun!" Bailey said mimicking his sister.

Derek giggle and little and copied his sons words " Pwease auntie'll be so fun" he tilted his head and poked his lip out.

Christina rolled her eyes at Derek and gave him a faint smile. She looked at the kids and smiled. " Of course I'll go, I'll just reschedule my plan for another day how about that" the two kids giggled and jumped up and down as there parents set them onto the floor.

Meredith kissed Zola's head and said " We'll kiddos you gotta get dressed so you guys can go"

" Okay mommy! Come on bails let's hurry up so we don't miss minions!" They both giggled up the stairs with Maggie and Christina not to far behind them.

Ellis just looked at Meredith in Aw, she was so great full her daughter didn't turn out like her. She was better than her....better mother...better surgeon...better wife, she was everything Ellis wasn't....isn't"

Meredith cleared her throat and then went over to the wine tower. " Okay while there gone for a few minutes...can I get you a glass of wine?" She asked her mother.

" Uh sure, thank you" She sat down next to Lexi and watched Meredith pour her glass.

" So do we have any ideas where we want the funeral" Lexi finally said..Breaking the silence. They don't know why they were all being so awkward around each other....they've all met before, and there's no drama left to resolve so...they should be acting in a normal manner. But, since this is a sensitive occasion I guess they all just don't know how to handle it.

"We'll, me and Derek were looking at funeral homes in Seattle and came across ' Seattle's Green funeral home' It's an hour away and they have options of cremations and or Crypts."

" Dad wouldn't wanna be turned to dust" Lexi said with a slight chuckle.

" Yeah, I say we just burry  him quick and easy, you know to get it over with."Meredith says eating a strawberry. She realized what she had said may have sounded harsh, but of course she didn't mean any harm by it she just wants this rough time for her family to pass already.

" we'll...I want to remember him after he's gone Meredith. He didn't hate all of us " Lexi said without even thinking.

Ellis's eyes went big and she gasped " Lexie grey!"

Derek was looking in the fridge for something until he turned his head with his eye widened. He was shocked at what his sister in law had said...but even more scared about how his wife was feeling right now.

Lexi tried reaching for Meredith's arm but she pulled away quickly." Mer I didn't mean that-"

" No, your right he hated me and I guess I hated him. I should let you and mom handle this." She said with her eyes a bit teary and a faint smile on her face. " Will you excuse me" Meredith said walking out of the room.

" I'll go talk to her" he said walking out of the room. " Meredith honey..." and that was all Ellis and Lexie heard before his voice was gone.

" I- I'm sorry... I didn't mean to- she....I'm sorry" Lexie said before she began to cry silently.

Ellis was a bit shocked at what just happened... and sat there in silence for a moment.


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