Fight - Ch. 36

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The day after, Hermione and Draco practically ignored each other. Neither of them wanted to be the one to talk first and it was as if they were challenging which one was more stubborn. They silently walked down to the great hall that morning, 5 feet away from each other. Not a single word was exchanged as they sat at the Slytherin table.

"Can't wait to leave this school"Pansy grinned. "No needing to wake up at 7 in the morning is a dream come true"Astoria sighed, knowing it'll barely last a month.

"Draco, I got a letter from mother this morning"Blaise said, turning to him. "Your mother will be staying at Zabini Manor for a bit, you'll be able to see her during the break"He told.

"Zabini Manor?" Draco repeated. "She doesn't want to stay in Malfoy Manor alone" Blaise explained. Draco gave him a short nod and returned to his food. "How are you still alive?" Theo questioned as he walked over to the Slytherin table. "The last I saw was Pansy stupefying you down the corridor"He smirked at Blaise.

"I was in the hospital wing for an hour last night" Blaise scowled. "She stupefied me into the wall and broke my wrist"He said. "Now you'll rethink meddling with things, won't you?"Pansy grinned. He scoffed but didn't speak, knowing he'd end himself in the hospital once more.

"Have you begun packing?" Daphne asked Hermione as the others talked about torturing Blaise.

"Everything is set, all I need to do is drag it out of Hogwarts"Hermione said, glad she would finally go home- even if it wasn't her childhood one.

"We're all going you know, the whole lot. We'll be passing from house to house. We'll be going from Zabini Manor to Malfoy Manor to Parkinson Manor to Nott Manor and to my Manor and a bunch of other ones"Daphne grinned.

"We've missed these days, you know, the days when there wasn't death eaters going in and out of houses"She muttered, glancing at her friends. Her eyes went over them, knowing each one had suffered greatly during their days at home.

Hermione nodded slowly. Blaise was right; it wasn't easy for anyone on the Dark Lord's side. Daphne got caught up with the rest, adding ideas to get Blaise to mind his business.

Hermione looked down at her plate. She missed her friends. She missed staying up all night with Ginny. She missed going on wild adventures with Harry and Ron. She missed staying in the library till sundown to help Neville with his homework. She missed the parties they had in Gryffindor tower, though she'd never admit it. She missed having her own friends.

And now when she was starting to build it up with them again, dear Draco fucking Malfoy had to come in and ruin everything. Why couldn't he just have kept his mouth shut? Now she was second guessing everything.

When it was time for potions, Hermione left instantly. She was 10 feet ahead of the Slytherins behind her. As she reached the dungeons, she saw Harry, Ginny and Ron sitting on the floor near the door, playing a muggle card game; Uno. They glanced up as they heard footsteps and grinned when they saw Hermione.

"Well if it isn't Ms. Granger"Ginny said as Hermione sat between Harry and Ron. Ron handed her a stack of 8 cards and she joined their game.

As she placed down her first card, she heard the Slytherins arrive behind her. "Where'd you get these cards?"Hermione asked. "I stole them from Dudley when I was like 9"Harry told, giving her a sheepish grin.

The Slytherins didn't say anything, just watching from afar silently. No sarcastic remarks, or anything, which surprised Hermione.

"You can't stack plus 4s you idiot!"Ginny snapped at her brother.

"Then why can you stack everything else!"Ron argued.

"Because a plus 4 is different then everything else!"

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