Meeting the parent

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Annie and Raphael said goodbye about ten times that night between "goodbye" kisses. God, they were so disgustingly cheesy. Annie grinned. She loved it. She'd have to have a talk with Raph about exclusivity at some point because she was NOT in the mood to share, but for now she drew herself a bubble bath and had a luxurious soak. Her thoughts drifted back to grinding on Raphael and went downhill from there. Before she knew it, her hand was between her legs as she recalled the easy way he'd taken charge. She was excited in more ways than one to explore that specific avenue with him in the future. Still, she was glad they'd waited to go farther than some making out and good old fashioned dry humping. She wanted plenty of time for their big first.

After a satisfying soak and a pleasurable ending or two, she finished up her bath and drained the water. Choosing a comfy pair of pajamas she settled into bed and drifted off to sleep. Her dreams centered around a certain turtle and certain activities they could get up to together. Pun intended. She woke up late and had a lovely brunch, head occupied with other things. She barely even noticed her phone dinging. When she did check it, a text had been received from an unknown number, but somehow she knew exactly who it was.

"Hey, Princess."

She grinned, quickly tapping out a response.

"Hey there, handsome."

"It's Raph."

"Yeah, I figured. You know 'Hey, handsome' isn't my usual greeting."

"I hope you don't mind but I got your number from Donnie."

She wondered for a moment how Donnie would even have her number, but he'd looked through her phone and everything so she supposed that made sense. She bit her lower lip as she responded.

"We're gonna have to tell your brothers sooner or later."

"Yeah... Probably sooner not later."

"Think they'll be mad? I know Leo's kind of a stickler."

"He already knows. He was surprisingly chill about the whole thing. He said he just wants me to be happy and whatever."

Annie smiled at the phone. Raph was acting like this was nothing, but she knew it was a pretty big deal.

"Think the others will mind?"

"Nah. Donnie will probably be too busy with his science shit. Mikey will probably be jealous but fine."

"That's good at least! I'm sure Mikey will find his person eventually."

"Honestly he'll probably just throw himself into hitting on April again."


"April O'Neal. She's been a good friend since the beginning. You'll have to meet her, too at some point."

The name sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place it so she just shrugged and texted back.

"Sounds like fun!"

Raphael didn't text back for a while. Annie figured he was training or something. Watching him train would be fun. She'd like to see him in action. She hadn't been able to watch her subway rescue, but watching an actual ninja fight could be entertaining. Preferably not while anyone was in danger. The next text from Raph came around dinner time.

"Hey kinda last minute, but would you wanna meet my dad tonight? Leo's kinda antsy about it."

She furrowed her brow.

"Why antsy?"

"He doesn't like keeping secrets."

"That's fair. Gimme like an hour to get ready."

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