The 12th Doctor! Izuku

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(A.n. Part of this was written by Psycho, one of the many people on the IzuJiro discord! Please go support them! Also, join the IzuJirou discord! Its pretty lit!

He groaned against the metal floor of his TARDIS. Quite the crash landing, considering he felt it more than usual from the inside. Then again, that might be due to his regeneration energy possibly damaging the chameleon circuit, leaking a bit of the outside forces into the control room during the crash. Certainly would explain the shaking spreading into the vehicle. The first thing he did was grab onto both his legs in laughter before exploring the parts of his new body.

"Legs! I've still got legs! Good! Arms! Hands, good! Ohhh, fingers! Lots of fingers. Eyes, ears too, nose.... I've had worse. Chin, blimey some baby fat. Hair..."

He started sliding his fingers into the large, soft locks...

"I'm a girl!? No! No... I'm not a girl..."

He quickly ran to one of the mirrors on the console, sliding it to face him. He noticed a few things about his new face. One was that he seemed to have regressed to a child no more than 8? Maybe 9? Triangle freckles decorated each cheek. He had incredibly green eyes and black hair with green highlights. He groaned in disappointment.

"And I'm still not ginger! Something else. There was something else. Something important. I... I..."

A knock came from the set of doors behind him at the entrance.

"I have a guest!"

He quickly ran to the TARDIS doors, nearly tripping over his oversized clothes now and reaching for the handles, pulling them inward to greet whoever was on the other side. However, he was met with the strangest sight yet. A white-furred animal wearing a vested suit with a scar over their left eye. And it became even more surprising when it talked.


"Hello! Am i a Dog, a mouse or a bear? What matters, is that im the principle!"

The Doctor blinks, and tilts his head at the creature," Youre a chimera, specifically coming from a Stoat background, yet have many animalistic is that?" He asked, as he whips out his screwdriver, and starts scanning him.

The creature giggles, as he pulls out a tea set, "Would you like a spot of Tea?"

The Doctor's eyes widen," Oh! Yes please! Do you have, by any chance...any custard?"

15 mins later, the reat of the UA staff is sitting at a table in Nedzus office, the Blue British police box sitting behind them, while a 8 year old boy sits at the front, smiling happily, as he eats his fiah fingers with Custard.

Aizawa was the first one to crack," Ok, whats up with the Police box, and why is there a child here eating fish and custard of all things?" He asked in his usual drawl.

"Oi! I'll have you know im 903 years old!" The Doctor said. His tinny, British/Japanese voice did not help his case.

"So...what is your name?" Midnight asked the boy.

"The Doctor."

"Your name cant be just..The Doctor. Doctor Who?" Cementoss asked, and everyone watches as the boys eyes gained mirth, and he spoke in a very, amused voice,"Exactly"

"Sorry we're late, we-" Tsukauchi started to say, before looking at the child, and the empty bowl of custard before him. A skinny, blonde haired man peaked in behind him.

The detective inhaled, pinched the bridge of his nose," Well...this isnt the wiwrdeat thing ive seen all day"

"Oh! Are you going to use one of your, quirky thingys on me! Oh this is going to be so much fun!" The Doctor exclaimed.

Everyone eyed the child, before the detective sat down, shaking his head," Alrighty...who are you" He asked, his quirk active.

The boy took a deeb breath," My name is The Doctor. Im a Time Lord. Im from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old and I'm the man who's going to save all your lives." He said, in a totally seriousness voice. The boy frowned, and grabbed his head.

"Whats wrong?" Nedzu asked

"Just...regeneration does things memories..."

"Regeneration?" Tsukauchu asked, nodding to Nedzu, indicating that it was true.

"Time Lords have this inate ability to..regenerate from any the cost of a new body. We keep out memories, our thoughts, everything up here" He said, tapping his head,"but our bodies change...i think..this my..11th last form died of..radiation poisoning..." The Doctors voice whispered, holding his head, before looking up at the man that sat across from him

'His eyes are old' Tsukauchi noted, 'Even if he is over 900 years old, no one should feel this...'

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