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  Andy Continued pulling off licks by obtaining copies of customers' keys and even sometimes not even using key copies,once finding out their home addresses. He was so addicted to the rush and the thrill of getting away along with getting paid;he couldn't help it.

  Luther most definitely was tempted to tag along with Andy with the elaborate scheme,but he stayed his course, working the two jobs,and  remaining patient with the brick masonry course beginning in the next two weeks.

  The relationship between Ashley and him was much more intense as they formed a more concrete bond, especially after Ashley witnessed the dramatic obstacle that Luther endowed, dealing with his sprung out mom who was blinded by the devastating addiction that caused her to neglect and treat Luther so cold heartedly.

  It took Luther almost two weeks just to shake the relentless grip of the depression that had a hold on him after the encounter with his mom.

  Ashley slept by his side mostly every night,but still she gave him his space that she knew was needed as he stayed locked in the house in the room with Phoenix, after coming home from his 2nd job.

  Andy could tell Luther was stressed out and he felt the vibe,seeing how Luther barely spoke to anyone at the shop and he was always in a zone to himself;not to mention the fact that he even started smoking weed which Andy knew Luther never even smoked weed when they first met,so he knew the stress Luther was going through was real. "You alright,my dawg?" Andy asked, seeing Luther on the couch smoking a blunt,as he walked into the house. "You're starting to worry me ,bro, especially now that I see you smoking gas and all now."

  "I'm alright,bro," Luther responded, looking down at his cellphone.

  "I hope so, bro. I's like you're always zoned out. You barely talk to anyone at the shop and when you're in the crib,you still seem to be in another world, bro." Andy sat next to him."you know you're my dawg and if you need to talk to me about anything I got ya back,playboy. I'm here for you."

  " I appreciate that,'s just that...I got a text from my second job at the event company and because the summer is about to be over,they just laid me off," he paused. "It's crazy how much I busted my ass for those motherfuckers for the last damn near three months and they're just gonna text me out of the blue about not being able to have room for me on the schedule because of the slow season. Word,bro! This is some bullshit!." He stood up and started pacing the floor. "I swear it's like everytime I take one step forward,I get knocked two steps back...what the fuck. It's almost like GOD is straight punishing me for being born into this this fucked up life." Tears started flowing down Luther's face,as he continued to pace the floor frustrated.

  Andy didn't know what to say or do, as he watched and listened to Luther vent the troubles of his life. He could relate to what Luther was feeling,so he knew just to remain quiet. He walked off into the kitchen,got two glasses from the cabinet and poured two glasses of vodka from the mini bar. "Here you go,bro." He passed one of the glasses half filled with vodka to Luther. " Let's get drunk,dawg. It'll help with the weed smoke."

  Luther took the glass, sat back down on  the couch and the both of them smoked and drank until the two of them were drunk and high, feeling good, looking at Menace To  Society on the flat screen tv. "I think I'm ready to get down," Luther slurred, damn near pissing drunk.

   Andy rolled his eyes. "Get the f*** out of here,Lou," he replied. "You're drunk as hell. I'm not taking you seriously until you sober up, bro."

  "Dawg,I'm dead serious I'm sick and tired of this broke shit,"Luther barked.

  "Calm down,Lou, before you scare the shit  out of Phoenix." Andy said, laughing, seeing Luther drunk for the first time ever.      

  "Naw, for real though... I need the cash, at least until I get the financial aid check from school. Then I'll be able to get some more clothes,some  shoes, treat my girl Ashley, and Better yet buy me a car, so I can at least try to check up on my mom's and get her into a rehab somewhere far away.

  "I'll tell you what, Lou.  If you still feel the same way in the morning I'll put you into something sweet I've been plotting on.

   "No bullshit ,Andy. I'm dead serious I'm on some straight f*** the world s*** right now."

   "I can feel that, bro and I'm down with you. Trust me; it's us against the world, if it's all on me my nigga,straight up." Andy replied, pouring another glass of vodka for himself.

   "Straight up,my dawg.I'll see you in the morning. I'm about to crash." Luther made his way to his room with Phoenix tagging along as he stumbled to get into his bed drunk, fucked up, and high.

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