Chapter 18: A herd and a gate

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One could make a considerable amount of objections against using a dead woman's nymph blood for protection. Time and safety were, however, of the essence. Audren and Terry had a curse to break.

Using the wraithsbane staff to keep the wraiths away, the pair managed to escape Malodell unscathed. Their horses had been similarly fortunate: the animals had fled back to Nymphenwald in Audren and Terry's absence, where they grazed peacefully, unbothered by the undead. The lord and the mage, in dire need of further transportation, took control of them again. On horseback, they sped away from Nymphenwald, back into Santonshire and towards the mountains from there.

Though his body still protested, Audren made it through hours of travel at the fastest speed they could realistically achieve. He knew his realm well, and once their horses set foot onto rocky mountain terrain, he knew exactly where to go, which obscure, winding roads to take to get to Anahill while encountering a minimal amount of Cursed. He and Terry passed babbling creeks, lush valleys and recently-abandoned villages where the Cursed now hunted in small groups. Audren didn't dare stop and admire his home's beautiful surroundings like he usually did.

When the pair reached Anahill and Audren could see the city walls and his castle, he instantly had to suppress his concern. The large herd of Cursed of which his scouts had brought news had gathered before the city gate, clamouring for blood and flesh in their typical snarls and grunts. With so many people from nearby villages brought to Anahill, it was to be expected the Cursed would be drawn there most of all. But as much as Audren benefitted from the protection of inhuman blood, it still wouldn't be wise to wade through a sea of Cursed without a second thought.

"Do you think you could contact Dyna like you did before?" he asked Terry. "We can't enter through the gate. Request she bring an old siege ladder for us."

So it was done. A conversation, a bit of waiting, and there Audren saw his sibling appear on the walls, accompanied by two guards who placed the ladder for their convenience. As Audren climbed up, a myriad of emotions buzzed in his soul: happiness and relief that Dyna lived, that his people hadn't yet fallen victim to the Cursed, but also worry about what his sister would say and fear for all still to come.

If he failed, if his idea turned out to be wrong, there'd be no way back. He'd die.

And so would everyone else.

"Audren, Terry! Good to see you back safe and sound." Dyna gave Audren a weak smile when he set foot on the walkway. "I'd hug you both, but you look like living nightmares whose only bath in the past few days has been in a tub full of bloody pig guts."

"Oh, really?" Terry deadpanned. "And here I was thinking we looked dashing."

Audren grimaced. "Lovely to see you, too, Dyna." He glanced around, down at the streets and buildings below. The only living souls he saw out and about were soldiers and watchmen. "It's... awfully quiet here."

Dyna nodded, a grave expression replacing the happiness from before. Though it seemed like she'd managed to catch a few hours of sleep in the end, she still looked worn to the bone. "We've brought in so many villagers who all needed temporary housing that we hardly had time to check them all for, for... bites. I've implemented quarantine measures like Mother and Father did when the plague came ten years ago. Everyone's confined to either their home or buildings of current residence. Our soldiers and watchmen are enforcing the quarantine. Unpleasant, but we'll be able to control a potential outbreak much better that way."

Clever, and convenient, too. With no offense meant to his people, Audren didn't want to collect the opinions of everyone and their grandmother when it came to what he was about to suggest.

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