Just A Bit More....

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Now again we stood by the railing, admiring the view. The building lights danced, creating vibrant colourful patterns. It was a mesmerising view but not as mesmerising as Zayn's hazel brown eyes. Just thinking about him, incidently I turned to look at him. the very time which he decided to remove a cigarette from it's packet. I snatched the box from his hand. "Hey!" He protests. "Uh ah! I'm not letting you smoke on your birthday." I tell him and he pouts. "Oh! Forgot to mention, that magic definitely doesn't work on me." I point out. "Damn it!... Ok!Ok! I won't smoke..." He muttered reluctantly, glaring at his latest desire. "At least tell me why?" "Cause I don't want you to die at the young age of 23." I pounce back.

Some silence joined us again and this time his hand had completely taken mine, feeling the slender bony structure of my slender fingers. "It's beautiful!" I murmured in awe. "Yes, you are." He muttered. He was looking at me and I tried my best to ignore it. But it was really annoying. "Quit flirting, Malik!" I caught him off guard and he looked straight ahead, a blush creeping just because he was 'caught'. I smiled in response.

"Ummm... Do...uh... do you.... wanna .... ummm.... go out...uh-" "Is Mr Malik trying to ask me out?" I tease him out of his helplessness. "N-no, I was just asking whether... you want to go clubbing?" I knew where this was leading to but I couldn't say no to a handsome face like that. But I decided to play along. "But some one said that they weren't in the mood."I continued playfully. "Are you coming or should I carry you over my shoulder?" He asked blankly. "Ok, Ok! I'm coming... No need to get angry." I retort with a pout as I got my hand through my fringes. He smiled as he clutched my hand and pulled me into his chauffeur driven sexy black car.

The moment we reached, he made sure I was left blind folded and he picked me up bridle-style. "You know Zayn, I can walk! And it would be better without the blindfold." I shouted. "I know but it's a surprise." He whines. "But I hate surprises."I shouted louder. "God, all you need is a little patience, woman. Is that hard to get?" He shouted dramatically and I pout as I folded my arms which previously were around his neck. Now I definitely looked like a stubborn little kid.Thanks to him.

He set me on the chair with a chuckle and removed the scarf over my eyes. My eyes got itself to reveal a very unknown surrounding of splashed white and made me feel like I was in a bakery rather than in a club. "Nice club." I comment sarcastically. He chuckled at my very comment. "It's a bakery, silly!" Oh, so we were in a bakery. So is this party he was taking about? How come there are hardly any people? Oh that's because I'm talking to myself, in my head , in this very sarcastic tone.

The next moment, he got the cake out. It was a small chocolate mousse cheesecake with a layer of strawberry jelly, a chocolate ribbon and a dash of white chocolate sprinkles. And surprisingly it had the initials of our first names. "Ummm.... Zayn? what are you doing?" I asked unsure whether the thought in my mind and reality actually corresponds. "Well, I thought before we go to the club, we could have a small celebration of our own." He explained as he put our age on the cake using vanilla icing. "Wait! How do you know I'm 21?" "Well, are you younger?" He asked with an innocent look. "No but-" "Well, then it seems I got it right!" He smiles with pride.

God, he is so irresistible that I almost got up to kiss his desirable lips which lured me closer. He lights up the single candle which was on the top and slides the plastic knife towards me. My brow arched. "Plastic?" "Well, I'm scared that your wish could be death." He jokes and I look at him as if it didn't make sense at all. "Hey! I'm showing some concern for you here." He protests and I just give him the famous eye roll.

This applies to all guys. It's more like a universal truth about guys. When you find a handsome guy that you find so appealing that he keeps you wanting and the next moment he just ruins it by saying something so dumb that some times it makes you wanna question yourself 'Are you serious?'

Anyways "Aren't you going to cut the cake with me?" I ask hopefully. I mean who didn't want to cut there birthday cake with a sweet celebrity crush. "Obviously I am!" We both blew the little flame off together and wished our desires to come true and cut the cake together. He fed a small piece of it to me first and then licked his fingers while I ate the piece which was in my hand. "Well,aren't you going to feed it to me too?" He asked. "Well, surely if you want it." I took a huge piece this time and cramped it into his mouth and then wiped my fingers on his cheek.

He tried to frown. "Ummph- befwh-wewow-dwuh..." "Zayn, I can't understand anything. What are you saying?" I ask with a taunting smile on my lips. He tried to frown harder but the just ended up narrowing his eyes as he chewed faster. By now I was silently laughing or maybe giggling would be the right word. The moment his mouth was empty. "Arya, you better remove this or..." God, the way he said it was so serious that I literally got shit scared. Immediately "Ok, Ok! I'm removing it!" Quickly I took a tissue and wiped all the creamy mixture off his face. It wasn't that easy. He had his stubble on.

The moment I was done, he grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Wow! You get threatened so easily." I pout. "Get lost! I'm not talkin to you." And I turned away with a bigger pout and my cheeks blown. "Awww... You look so cute!" And he pulls my cheek. "Malik, I thought I said I'm not talking to you." I shout as I proceed to walk away but he pulled me back by the waist and literally threw me back on to the chair. I glared at him as I folded my hands "I'm sorry, baby." He apologised. I was fine with the apology but the next thing he did had to make me forgive him. It was that cute. He pulled his ears and made a very adorable 'I'm so sorry' face. Awww! "God, can you get any adorable?" I ask as I pull him by the chin and planted a small kiss on his lips and then left him there wanting. Trust me, it was only a small peck. "Hey! I deserve more than that." I turned back as sweet laughter chimed. "No more until we reach the club, Mr Malik."

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