Promise, This is Just the Epilogue...

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It's been two months now. And I have been in constant touch with The One Direction. All of them have followed me on Twitter and Instagram and since then we keep chatting. Talking about the most random things possible.

Since I did manage to take Eleanor on a shopping trip that day in one of the famous malls where I think clothes and accessories of great style and glamour originate from. We spent a mad three hours on a shopping spree and trying out different styles and taking selfies to prove to the boys that even shopping can be fun (Her idea, not mine).

Well, it was her last day here before she went back and she was in desperate need of souvenirs. So I was kinda helping her. I wanted to go back and meet the other guys but it was Zayn who was making it harder for me. I mean not literally but... I hope you understand what I mean... So I chose to only be with Eleanor that day which kinda made us feel pretty close already.

By the clothes we bought at the end of the shopping trip, the boys must've thought we would've bought the entire mall but what could we do? The mall was the attraction for style and every piece of clothing attracted our eyes in the most pleasing way possible. Plus we are Girls. Obviously we had to buy!

That day was truly epic as when I came back home, a package awaited for my arrival. It was from The 1D gang and in specific from Zayn. I opened it eagerly, wondering what could the guys have got for me. First thing which came into my fingers was a white shirt. By the scent, I could tell it was Zayn's again. I would notice that scent anywhere plus he seems really fond of giving away his shirts. This was the second one today. The white t-shirt was filled with colourful marks from the band members and obviously from Eleanor too. It had many words dedicated to me and bold autographs and right in between was printed 'We love you!!!'

I haven't even spoken to them for an hour and I already feel so loved. Gosh, my heart is touched with all the love I just got. Really gotta thank them. Wish I could have got them each something. Before I could inspect the other things I got from them. I called. Apparently all of them got a chance to save their number in my phone. I know Zayn was behind it though. The Sly, mysterious yet innocent looking one... Damn his looks! I called Eleanor, knowing she would pick up the phone in one ring. And she did.

"Hi Arya!" she exclaimed in hushed tones. "Why are you whispering?" I asked confused. "Well, if the boys hear that I'm speaking to you, I'm scared they'll eat up the phone." She says in that freaky hushed voice, like she is really scared. "Na, I doubt they are that hungry... Maybe Niall is. Keep away from him!" I joke in pretended panic. On the other side, faintly I hear some one's voice. "Hey, is that Arya!?" "Shit, I'm caught!!!" Eleanor whispers urgently and the phone was snatched from her hands. I could make it out by the disturbance and chaos.

"Hi Aryaaaaaaaaa!!!!" The guy on the other side stretched my name a lot in his slow accent. "Harry here..." He continued. "Yes, I can make it out..." I say, rolling my eyes. Good thing, he can't see me here, on the other side. Again there was some disturbance and then some screaming. "Boo bear, please control your girl!!!" He whined and could again hear some shuffling. Oh shit, they must be really fighting for the phone. Jumping on each other, slapping, hitting and stuff... Or it's just my imagination. And the disturbance stopped. Faintly I hear Eleanor's voice. "Boo bear, I know you love me but let me go. Quit hugging me... Hazza, gimme back ma phone!" I heard her scream with too much struggling. Here I was laughing silently, the scene quite imaginable.

Louis might've jumped on Eleanor and then hugged her tight, not letting her escape from his grasp. His legs and arms might have wrapped neatly around her body while she tried wriggle out of it while Harry must be jumping on the bed, doing his victory dance. Within some time she'll give up, I guarantee that. I hear her sigh "Hazza, my PHONE!!!" She shouted dangerously. "Nope..." popping the 'p' innocently and then continued. "Thanks Carrot Top! Love You Loads... and made those kissy noises. I couldn't stop laughing and I let out as my battle cry. "Larry Stylinson Forever... Poor Eleanor! So heart broken" and I could imagine her glaring at us. "Oh! Arya, I forgot about you. Busy laughing at Ellie. Wish you were here to witness this." He says, laughter filling the air. "I can imagine the whole scene pretty well." I yell. Now my family members must think that I have seriously gone mad!

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