Ch26-Second Date

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"Which blanket do you prefer? The one with animals on it or the one with stripes or the one with dinosaurs?" Maya tilts her head.

"The most comfortable one. And we need like 14 sets of baby clothes" Carina rubs her forehead. 

"All of them are comfortable. Isn't 14 sets a bit much?" Maya asks.

"Animal one then. Baby spits up and changes clothes all the time., 14 sets is normal amounts for a newborn." Carina shrugs and sighs, she's a bit tired carrying a 8-month baby and stands all afternoon. There are too many options to pick and too many things a newborn needs. They're in the mall for hours.

"Fair point." Maya puts the blanket into their shopping cart. "14 sets then."

The blondie walks to the clothes area, but she is stopped by her wife. The Italian puts her hand around her belly, she frowns and takes a deep breath.

"What's wrong? Are you OK?" Maya asks.

"I'm fine. I just felt some contractions." Carina shakes her head and wraps her wife's arm again and keeps walking.

This time it's Maya who stops and puts her hand on Carina's belly, her eyes widen and looks terrified "You had contractions? You're only 31 weeks pregnant! Is Andrea coming?"

Carina chuckles and strokes Maya's hand on her belly, "Breath, bambina. Just some braxton-hicks. Andrea is not coming out so soon."

"Thank god. You scared the hell out of me." Maya takes a deep breath in.



"Here is you receipt and car seat, ma'am. We can install it for you. You can get help at service counter if you need."

"Thank you, but I can do it." Maya smiles and rejects the offer politely. She takes the car seat with her and go to the parking lot with her wife.

"Can you stop staring at my muscle and turn the AC on? It's hot in here." Maya says without looking at Carina who stands behind the car door.

"Sorry, I got distracted. The view is pretty hot indeed." Carina chuckles.



"You got a package from Gabriella." Maya says and puts down the box on the table.

"Right, she mentioned it yesterday. I forgot to tell you." Carina says from the kitchen.

"What's inside?" Maya asks, she couldn't figure it out from the look of the box.

"I don't know. She said it's for baby Andrea. You can open it, bambina." Carina puts down two glasses of water on the table and sits down next to Maya.

Maya nods and opens the box, her eyes widen "Wow. Baby bottles and pacifier set from Armani. Baby robes from Gucci. Oh! This D&G set has bib in it. He has more designer clothes than me and he isn't even born yet."

Carina laughs, "I'll call and thank her later."

Maya raises her eyebrows and takes out some things from the box. "Well, baby Andrea doesn't need sexy bras I think."

Carina leans in to reads the tags in Italian on the bras. "They're nursing bras. Hmm...Gabri has taste. They're pretty sexy."

"OK... Oh! A note for you." Maya notices a piece of paper under the gifts.

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