Ch68-Personality Showing Up

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"Nooooo..." the little curly whines loudly and his brows knit tightly. He makes the best puppy eyes and his pout can't be more obvious. "I want mommyyyyy..."

"Mommy...." the little blondie pouts slightly with frown brows as well, but not as loud as her brother.

The blondie glances with the Italian. They guessed Andrea wouldn't be happy with the news that Maya is going back to work, but they didn't sure how Mabel would react. And now they found out. The blondie stayed at home with them for four months. Bambini already get used to play with their mommy everyday.

Maya quickly withdraws her arm around Carina's shoulder and stops stroking Flora's cheek. She gets down from the couch and sits on the floor opening her arms to the bambini. The little curly and little blondie leave their toys and launches themselves into their mommy's arms.

"I still can play with you for three days before going back to work, babies." she presses kisses on Andrea and Mabel's head gently, trying to coax them. "And mommy will miss you two very very much."

"You and mama work all day. I want you read me story." Andrea grumbles loudly.

"Mama will stay at home with Flora most of the time. She only goes back to work next month. She works twice a week this month." Maya says.

"Why mama home with Flora? Why Mabel and I can't with them, have to go to daycare?" the little curly asks.

"Cause mama still has to work twice a week. And she'll be very tired and busy to take care of you three on her own. Mommy can't help mama. I'm working." Maya explains gently.

"Mama woh-ke. Babies need mama." the little blondie says innocently. She knows her mama helps delivering babies and her mommy puts out fire.

"Si, piccolina. Mama needs to help other mama and bambini." Carina says, putting sleeping Flora down in the hammock, and joins her wife and kids on the floor of the living room.

"Andrea, you and Mabel can see and play with Pru, Scout, Luna, Ellis, Allison, and Leo at daycare. You have so many friends." Maya says gently. "Mommy will take you and Mabel to the daycare everyday. If mommy is busy at work, mama will go pick you up on time."

"We won't leave you two at daycare forever, bambino. We love you so much." the Italian leans in and peppers kisses all over Andrea's face, making him stop pouting and start giggling. "You two and Flora are mommy and mama's love."

The kisses and sweet talk from the Italian eventually brings a smile from the the little curly's face. He turns and throws himself into Carina's arms, "Love mama."

"Are you OK with it then, baby girl? Mommy and mama work and you and Andrea go to daycare?" Maya asks, looking into Mabel's eyes.

"Si. Ang-dea and Mabel go da-caye. Mommy and mama woh-ke." Mabel says calmly. Her pout and frown eyebrows are already gone.

"You and Andrea are the sweetest babies. I love you so much, my little sunshine." the blondie says and hugs her mini version tightly. "Awww, you've grown up, baby girl."

"I guo up." the little blondie repeats and chuckles. She nuzzles into her mommy's arms and gets comfortable.

The wives glances each other again and both relieved. They handle their bambini crisis well.


It's been a challenge for the Deluca-Bishops the first week, they tried their best to get used to their new arrangement. Maya takes the kids to daycare before work giving them many kisses, and Carina calls to check if she get to leave on time. And the bambini, especially the little curly, didn't complain about going to daycare anymore after his mommy paying more attention to him before bed. 

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