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"The towns new milk boy!" She smiles blushing a little.

"Oh yes, he was here to drop my milk this morning. Very handsome lad if I may say." I said looking in her eyes knowing she fell for the milk boy "Thought he was a intruder at first."

"Oh definitely and you can hear his simple yet gorgeous Irish accent." She then looks at me with her head tilted "An intruder, dear God Kris intruders don't look like that."

"What angers me is that the mayor doesn't inform the town about this. Did they do a backround check on this guy because we all want to be safe." I said with a straight face because it was true and intruders can look like anyone

"I'm probably sure they did. I mean this guy looks decent and looks like he comes from a very good home." Katie defends Niall and you can see in her eyes that she really wants this guy to notice her.

"You like him don't you?" I lean against the counter with the hand cloth over my shoulder and stare at her.

"No ways not my type and plus I don't want to be in a relationship with anyone right now. I am busy" she says scratching her head.

"Bullshit, you do like him" she then blushes and then I remembered my bread. I took the hot fresh bread out of the oven and placed it on the counter. I carefully take it out and took a knife because who doesn't like fresh hot bread with melting butter on top. I cut slices for the both of us and place jams and a variety of cheese on the table so Katie could choose what she wanted.

"Maybe." she replies a few minutes later. "Hm that bread smells incredible!" As I place the hot delicious slices in front of her. I spread so butter and strawberry jam onto the bread and bit into the steamy bread, it tasted so good just what I needed. But not quite I needed something stronger like a beer or a whiskey I didn't want Katie to think I am some sort of liquor pig or something since she does drink herself.

"Mmm... I got to get back to the clinic sorry I have to run." She says.

"It's alright Katie see you around." Finally I can go out and drink my sorrows away at the local pub. She then collects her coat and bag and darts out the door and I decided to but some pants on since I am going to a pub that is mostly filled with drunk men. I quickly put on the pants and go to my handbag ti check if I have enough money to drink there for a few hours or so.

The pub was just up the street so I walked as fast as I could I didn't want to get seen by anyone since no one in the neighbourhood knows I drink expect Donnie of course. I also needed to escape that cold winter breeze. As I opened the door to the pub that heat wave hit me in the face but smelt of sweaty men and cheap wine. I walked in shaking the coldness off of me. I walk straight towards the bartender not noticing anyone around me, I wasn't a regular here but I came in once or twice just to ask for ice because I drank at home.

"Hi there give me a double." I said while seating myself onto the comfortable chair. I had an obsession with whisky not wine people don't think of me as the type that drinks they think of me as cool and calm and some say just absolutely gorgeous, but I don't really believe that.

"Sure thing mam." The bartender straight away gets me my double. I slowly sip on the whiskey trying to enjoy the strongness of the it I needed this the whole day.

I then hear a voice calling my name from behind "Kris?... I mean Mrs Oakley?" I stop sipping my drink hoping it wasn't any of my neighbours. I lift my head up and turn around slowly, I am face to face with Niall the new milk boy

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