Chapter 30

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-Crying doesn't mean you're weak.
It just means you have been strong for too long.

3rd person's pov.

-Don't worry I didn't forget anything."-Nouri said, speaking to her dad on her phone."-Yes, I'm gonna stay at Namjoon's for 2 days... Yep okay... Yes, I'll tell him that you said hi okay."-She hung up, putting her phone in her pocket.

She opened the door and stepped in, while Namjoon was getting bags from the car.

-Joon, where's Yoongi?

-Oh, he said he's gonna stay with Hobi and leave us alone."-He said stepping in, carrying the bags.

-I'm hungry, hungry hungry hungryyyyyyyy."-Nouri said, throwing herself on the coach.

-What do you want baby?"-Namjoon also threw himself on the coach, next to her.

She brought her head up to look at Namjoon, as he made a confused face.

-You."-She smirked, looking at his lips.

Namjoon sat up and pulled her on his lap by her waist.

-Let's order sushi and as soon as this tummy is full and not angry."-He said putting his hand on Nouri's belly."-You can have me all you want."-He smiled, squeezing her cheeks.

-Wow, did you just bodyshame me?

-Yah, that's the prettiest belly I've ever seen and I wouldn't change it to anything.

-I love you."-She hugged him, snuggling into his chest."-Forget about food and let's just sleep.

-Ani, you need to eat."-He said, caressing her hair.

-Mhm, I do."-She hummed to his chest.


-I can't believe I just ate 23 rolls."-Nouri said, wiping her mouth with the napkin.

-Baby, I finished 25."-Namjoon said, trying to seem cocky.

Nouri suddenly burped, making Namjoon laugh.

-Cute. But not enough effort."-He said as he burped too, but louder than Nouri. '

-Are we doing a burping contest right now?

-No, we're done eating so we're gonna talk about why you haven't been sleeping properly for last couple days."-He said, putting his beer can on the table as he moved closer to Nouri, pulling her to him.

-I was just working on the projects.

-Try again.

-I'm telling the truth, I had a lot-

-You said you already finished them, tell me the truth."-He said raising one of his eyebrows.


-Well I did, but when I looked at them again I was disappointed. I wanted to get better results so I started drawing again.

-Baby they were amazing, why would you be disappointed hmm?

-No they weren't Joon."-She took a deep breath and then let out a sigh.

-Hey hey, princess look at me."-He said caressing her cheek."-Just let it all out.

-No one understands... I'm t-tired of it all.

-I'm here. Talk to me. Help me understand."-He cupped her face, trying to make her feel safe.

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