chapter 3

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one month later~

we hung out almost everyday and i developed very strong feelings for the middle triplet matt. his personality was so attractive and so was he. i could tell nick anything and i trust him with my life. me and chris also got very close and i consider him one of my best friends. i never stopped talking to ella there wasnt one day that we went more than 12 hours talking to each other. i talked to luke 24/7 countless facetimes and calls me and max talked a lot but not as much i missed all of them so much.



hey do you wanna sleep
over tonight


okay ill pick you up in ten
read 9:26pm


i packed a few clothes and went down stairs to wait for him to pick me up. my mom wasnt very strict she kinda just slept and worked i rarely saw her but when i did it wasn't pretty. i never had a good relationship with my mom.

matt came to pick me up and i went and sat in the front seat. "hey, thanks for driving me" i said "yeah its not a problem" he said kind of blowing me off. i kinda just sat there in silence the rest of the drive.

we got to their house and i immediately ran and hugged nick. nick new that i liked matt so i needed to talk to him. "hey i need to talk to you" i whispered so the others couldn't here me. he looked at me in reassurance and i went and hugged chris "its nice to see you its been almost a day" i said sarcastically and chris laughed.

"do you guys wanna watch a movie down here" nick asked the group. "sure" i said sounding excited matt and chris both nodded. "lets watch shrek" matt said laughing at himself. nick turned on shrek and we watched the movie.

i only made it about half way through movie before i fell asleep. i woke up in a dark room with someones arms around me. i tried not to move because i didnt want to wake up the other person. i layed there for a bit and then i could feel the other person start to move. he got up and walked over to the window with a pair of shorts and no shirt. i immediately new it was matt from the back profile.

i tried to make it look like i was still sleeping. he walked over to the bed and put a blanket over me and left. i could hear is conversation with chris. i heard matt say "i think she is still sleeping"

matt and chris were having a conversation but i was to tired to pay attention

matt came back into the room and sat on the bed to go on his phone. i rolled over and looked at him. "good morning" he said in his morning voice and smiling.

i smiled back at him and closed my eyes. "how did i get here" i said tired and still closing my eyes "i picked you up and brought you here cuz u fell asleep on the couch" matt explained "oh" i said not comprehending anything because i was so tired "matt laughed at me. i giggled back even though i had no idea why he was laughing.

he started rubbing my back telling me to get up cuz it was late. "5 more minutes" i groaned. he started to shake me and laughed "no get up rn we wanna show you something" he said laughing "fine" i said sounding angry.

he told be to get ready so i put on a purple crop top, black flair leggings and my air force ones.

i walked out of his room "good morning grumpy" nick said i gave him a death stare. "relax sweetheart" chris said laughing "fuck all of you" i said standing in the middle of the room  they all started laughing.

matt came behind me and pick me up bringing me to the front seat of the car. matt got in the drivers seat while chris and nick sat in the back.

"we're here" nick said i looked out the window and saw an outside movie theater they were playing the new spider man movie i had told matt about my love for spider man but i didnt know he remembered.

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