chapter 6

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we both pulled away and i sat there sitting on the counter in disbelief. "i shouldn't have done that" he said turning red. i didnt say anything letting him finish his thoughts "what about ashley what am i gonna do about ashley"

i hopped of the counter and walked to nicks room i wasnt gonna let him talking about ashley make me shed anymore tears. but he just kissed me and then started talking about ashley like come on.

i went to sleep next to nick in the morning i woke up to a text.

hey i just wanted to let you know that i ended things with ashley i dont know what this means between us but ive realized that i dont like her like that and she was most of the time a distraction from reality and fights ive had with you. i know i could have handled last night differently but i had so much on my mind and the last thing i thought i was gonna do is kiss you i hope things are well between us. <3.

i had no idea how to respond.

hey matt i was kinda of thinking about last night and i hope you dont take this in the wrong way but i think it was a mistake im sorry that i let you kiss me and you can totally blame me. i also dont know what this means for us but i dont want to be more than friends i need time to myself to figure out what is going on mentally before i jump into a relationship. your "friendship" is very important to me and i hope we can get closer i truly love you so much and i hope you understand.

i thought about that for awhile and i think that it was a good response. i put my phone down and walked to the kitchen chris and nick were sitting there and i walked to the fridge grabbed water and started walking back to nicks room.

"abby" chris yelled making me turn around "eat breakfast right now" he said sternly "im not hungry" i said trying to turn around again. he ran over and grabbed my arm dragging me to the chair. "eat" he said looking at me. i took a couple bites of food and turned around "happy" i said raising my eyebrows at him.

matt walked into the kitchen and said  "good morning" the expression on my face dropped and my face was red. chris looked at me and started giggling "what" matt said starting to laugh. "dont you fucking dare" i whispered to chris. nick was dying of laughter in the corner almost crying.

i turned around looking down "hey matt" i said trying not to look at him cuz he would realize how red my face was immediately. "hello" he questioned because i wouldn't look at him. he walked past me to get to the fridge. he put his hands on my waist to 'move' me to the side to get to the fridge. my face immediately went red and chris lost it.

chris was laying down on the floor while i was red as a tomato beginning to laugh. nick was over in the corner still "what did i miss" he looked at matt confused. matt shrugged because he also had no clue what was happening.

me and chris stopped laughing after about ten minutes. "so are you gonna tell us why you were laughing" nick questioned "no" i said smiling.

i had still not made eye contact with matt. i had trouble looking at people while talking to them i could be having a conversation with someone and look at them once the entire time. i could never look someone in the eyes while having a conversation with them but matt chris and nick new that. so when i made eye contact with them it was unusual.

i walked down the hallway to go to the bathroom matt followed me grabbing on to my arm to stop me. "hey did you really mean what you said in that text" matt said. i was looking at the ground "i mean i dont know what part you are referring to but i meant every part." i said starting to pick at my mascara. i would always pick at my eyelashes or bite my nails as an anxiety thing.

"why are you nervous" matt said grabbing my hand to stop me from picking at my eyelashes. "im
just...i dont know" i said trying to think of an excuse. "then why wont you look at me" he said moving my chin to make me look at him like he did last time. i stayed quiet and i felt my face get hot and start to turn red. "making you blush am i" he questioned.

i began to smile looking into his beautiful blue eyes. "you have really pretty eyes" i said making eye contact. his face started to turn red. "thank you" he said smiling. "making you blush am i" as i mocked him and laughed. he laughed too and we just started talking about everything and it wasn't awkward that was the one thing about matt is that it was never awkward.

////////////////881 words

this chapter is very short and not much happened but i have a plan for the next chapter.

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