chapter 9

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"good morning" i heard from behind me. my head hurt and i had no idea of the events that occurred last night. "hi" i mumbled putting a pillow over a head. "rough night" matt laughed. "i don't even remember what happened did i do anything stupid" i ask genuinely curious. "yeah but its fine u were having fun" he smiled at me.

i stood up and walked to the bathroom. i did my business and then walked out. "thanks for the clothes" i said walking up and draping myself over him. "no problem" he said laughing. "my head hurts" i blurted out. "i wonder why" matt said sarcastically. "fuck you" i said walking over to the door. "you know you love me" he said evilly laughing. "maybe" i said before walking into the kitchen.

chris was sitting on the counter eating a bagel. i grabbed an apple out of the fridge and started eating it. "good morning sunshine" i said looking at chris. he gave me a fake smile and stared back at his bagel eating the last bite and getting up. "you okay" i said patting him on the shoulder. "yeah im fine" he said blankly. "i know im hungover but im not an idiot what is wrong" i said to him still standing behind him. "just fuck off its not like you even care" he said waking away shoving me put of the way.

i got in my car and drove home i texted matt telling him i left. i snuck into my house not getting spotted by my mom. i sat in my room and laid on my phone. i started thinking about everything and just started overthinking.

why is chris mad?

does matt even like me like i like him?

what happens if me and matt date and ruin the friendship we have?

do i like matt like that?

what happened to chris last night?

did i say something?

what did i do last night?



did i say anything to chris last night

no why

cuz chris seemed mad at me

ill ask him whatsup



because i dont wanna make
it a big deal he seemed mad
just dont mention it

okay i wont

thank you matt.


okay if i didnt say something what did i do there has to be something up. then someone barged into my room.

"WHAT THE HELL R U DOING HERE" my mom screamed. i stared at her in shock i didnt know what to say. "i live here" i said staring blankly at her. "not anymore u dont pack your things and leave" my face dropped i immediately started crying "well what r u waiting for get packed. i stood up and grabbed most of my clothes and shoved them in a bag and fit my air forces and a pair of burks because its all i could fit.

i walked out and called matt.

bold abby
not bold matt

hey whats up. hey can you come pick my up. (i was crying to i hard i didnt feel like it was safe to drive). yeah of course are you okay where are you. im at my house and no im not okay just please get here fast. okay ill be right there i promise.

i sat at the side of my drive way and just cried. about five minutes later i felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "thank you" i said crying even harder. matt was the only person i wanted to see right now. i stood up and got into the car. i sat in the front seat and put my head in my hands. the more i thought about it the more it hurt. i dont know why it hurt so bad i guess i just thought there was a part of her that still loved me.

he drove home and the grabbed me out of the car i was much smaller then him so i was facing him in a hug with my legs wrapped around his waist. i was still crying but not as hard. he put me on his bed and i laid there. do you want to tell me what happened he said from behind me. "my mom kicked me out" i said not moving. "im so sorry abby" he said before hugging me while laying down. he didnt let go and i fell asleep in his arms. this felt more like home than my own house ever did.

i woke up to an empty room. i walked to the kitchen with my hood up and mascara still staining my face. "what the hell happened to you" chris said from the couch. "literally fuck you" i said not even looking at him. "yeah i deserve that" he said getting up from the couch. he came over and wrapped his arms around me "im sorry" he said softly. "me too" i responded.

i grabbed a water from the fridge. i chugged it my head hurt from crying and being hungover. i sat at the counter and just stared into space. i was thinking about my mom. i had no idea why u was kicked out i was a pretty good kid i just recently started going to parties. i never got raised my mom but she never hated me this much. after my dad died she just became a different person as if she blamed me for my dads death. thinking about it made me cry. i put my head down and started softly crying again.

"its okay" matt said softly rubbing my back. "i love you matt" i said between sobs. "i love you too abby" he said hugging me.

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idk if im going to continue this book i feel like its boring also sorry for taking so long i was very busy this weekend.

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